Watermelon is known to keep the body hydrated, regulate blood pressure, control arthritis, prevent cancer and improve digestion. However, consuming too much watermelon can cause bloating, diarrhea, nausea and irregular heartbeat.

  10 Health Benefits of Watermelon & Notes When Using It

Watermelon – Origin and Characteristics

Watermelon (scientific name: Citrullus lanatus) is a small, climbing plant in the Cucurbitaceae family. This fruit originated in West Africa but has now been transplanted and grown in many places for its fruit.
Watermelon is a climbing plant, belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, originating from West Africa.

Watermelon has a thin, herbaceous stem that grows on its own but produces large fruit, an average watermelon can weigh from 1.5 to 4 kg. Watermelon has a green skin, red or yellow flesh, contains a lot of water and has a sweet and cool taste. Currently, watermelon is one of the most popular and widely used fruits in the world.

How many calories are in watermelon?

On average, each piece of watermelon (about 154g) provides only about 46 calories. With a low calorie content, watermelon is often added to the diet to control weight and maintain an ideal figure.

Although providing low calories, a piece of watermelon can supplement the body with many essential vitamins and minerals such as:

Vitamin B



vitamin A

Vitamin C

Water (more than 92% of watermelon is water)






10 Health and Beauty Benefits of Watermelon


       What are the benefits of eating watermelon?

1. Supplementing watermelon helps to retain

water for the body Water is the component that accounts for 92% of watermelon.

Therefore, supplementing this fruit has the effect of retaining water for the body and maintaining electrolyte levels. Eating watermelon regularly can reduce symptoms of dehydration after strenuous exercise and sports such as cramps, fatigue, dizziness, etc.

In addition, with its abundant water content, watermelon also creates a feeling of fullness for a long time and prevents overeating. This can help you reduce the amount of food in each meal and limit uncontrolled weight gain.

2. Antioxidant and body protection

Watermelon is a fruit that contains a variety of antioxidants. These ingredients have the ability to prevent the effects of free radicals, slow down the degeneration process and protect organs in the body.

Some antioxidants found in watermelon include:

Vitamin C: Has the effect of enhancing immunity and preventing cell damage caused by free radicals.

Lycopene: Is a type of carotene found in many other foods such as tomatoes, papaya, sweet potatoes, etc. Lycopene helps protect retinal and nerve cells from the effects of free radicals.

Carotenoids: Are plant compounds including beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. These components, after being absorbed into the body, will be converted into vitamin A.

Cucurbitacin E: This compound not only has antioxidant effects but also has the effect of controlling inflammatory responses in the body.

3. Supplementing watermelon helps prevent cancer

Lycopene in watermelon not only has antioxidant effects but can also prevent cancer – especially gastrointestinal cancer.

This compound reduces the risk of developing cancer cells by reducing the growth factor IGF. In which, increased IGF is one of the causes of stimulating abnormal cell growth and the risk of transforming into cancer cells.

In addition, watermelon also contains Cucurbitacin E – a plant compound that inhibits tumor growth and prevents the metastasis of cancer cells.

4. Preventing cardiovascular diseases

In addition to cancer prevention, watermelon also has the ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – one of the leading causes of death.

High cholesterol is a factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, myocardial ischemia, heart failure, etc. Supplementing foods rich in fiber, water, vitamins and antioxidants can reduce the amount of cholesterol accumulated in the body and prevent cardiovascular problems.

Regular consumption of watermelon can prevent cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart failure, etc.


In addition, many experts believe that Lycopene in watermelon can reduce the thickness and stiffness of the arterial wall. Thereby helping to reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis and blood clots.

Moreover, citrulline in watermelon can also stimulate increased nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide is a component that helps dilate blood vessels and regulate blood pressure.

5. Eating watermelon helps reduce inflammation
Watermelon helps reduce inflammation in internal organs because this fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and lycopene. Research conducted in 2015 showed that adding watermelon to the diet can reduce the risk of developing inflammation and control symptoms of joint pain.
In addition, lycopene and vitamin C in watermelon also slow down the aging process and inhibit cartilage degeneration in patients with chronic arthritis.
6. Reduce muscle pain
Citrulline – an amino acid in watermelon has the ability to reduce muscle pain. This amino acid has the effect of producing nitric oxide – a component that helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the limbs.
Regular supplementation of citrulline can increase endurance and muscle performance. Moreover, this ingredient also has the effect of reducing muscle pain after exercise and heavy labor.
In addition, watermelon is rich in water and essential minerals that help maintain electrolyte levels in the body and reduce fatigue and weakness after activity.
7. Watermelon is good for skin and hair
The abundant water content in watermelon can maintain ideal moisture for the skin. Thereby helping to maintain moist, smooth skin and limit the risk of peeling and roughness.
Moreover, this fruit also contains abundant vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps hair grow quickly, improves split ends and breakage. In addition, this ingredient also has the effect of exfoliating dead skin cells on the surface and regenerating new skin tissue. Some recent studies show that regular vitamin A supplementation can help rejuvenate the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles on the face.
Meanwhile, vitamin C stimulates the body to produce collagen – a special protein that can support skin tissue, maintain hair strength and limit the risk of wrinkles.
8. Regular intake of watermelon helps improve digestion
Watermelon contains a high amount of fiber and water. These ingredients have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
With high fiber and water content, watermelon has the ability to increase the peristalsis of the digestive system.


The amount of water in watermelon has the effect of neutralizing gastric juice, thereby reducing the risk of epigastric pain, belching, heartburn and nausea after eating. In addition, the amount of water and fiber from this fruit can retain moisture and increase stool volume. Thereby reducing the risk of constipation and making it easier for you to defecate.
9. Watermelon seeds help prevent anemia
On average, a few watermelon seeds can provide up to 0.29mg of iron, equivalent to 1.6% of daily needs. Therefore, adding watermelon seeds to your diet can increase red blood cell production and reduce the risk of anemia.
10. Increase sperm quality and quantity
Watermelon and watermelon seeds both contain a rich amount of zinc. Zinc is a trace element necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and testicles. Supplementing foods rich in zinc (oysters, watermelon, shrimp, crab, …) can improve testosterone levels and increase sperm quantity and quality.
Therefore, men can supplement watermelon 2-3 times/week to enhance physiological function and support the treatment of common diseases such as premature ejaculation, decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, etc.

3 Best Ways to Use Watermelon

You can supplement watermelon by eating it directly, processing it into watermelon smoothie, watermelon jam, etc.


1. Eat directly
Ripe watermelon can be eaten directly like other fruits. You should add watermelon on hot days to rehydrate and cool down your body.
2. Process into delicious drinks and dishes
In addition, you can also process watermelon into delicious dishes and drinks such as:
Watermelon juice: Squeeze the watermelon to get the juice, then squeeze ½ lemon to get the juice. Let the juice cool and drink to help rehydrate, balance electrolytes and supplement vitamins and minerals for the body.
Watermelon smoothie: You can cut the watermelon into small pieces, then put it in the freezer for 1 hour. Use a watermelon blender and add a little condensed milk. Watermelon smoothie is not only nutritious but also has a delicious flavor.
Watermelon rind jam: Wash the watermelon rind, then peel off the outer layer and let it dry. Add sugar to the pan, then add the watermelon rind, simmer until the sugar is completely absorbed and dry. Watermelon rind jam has a light sweet taste and moderate crunchiness.
3. Use watermelon as a skin care mask
Watermelon contains a lot of water and vitamin C, which has the effect of moisturizing, evening out skin tone and helping to improve dark spots, freckles, etc. Therefore, you can use watermelon as a mask to nourish and overcome facial skin defects.
¼ piece of watermelon 2 tablespoons of yogurt Implementation:

Remove watermelon seeds, then mash Drain excess water and mix well with unsweetened yogurt Apply the mixture to the skin and rinse after 20 minutes

Taboos and Notes when eating watermelon

Eating too much watermelon can cause digestive irritation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, nausea, etc. Watermelon contains a fairly high potassium content, so supplementing this fruit with high doses can increase blood potassium (symptoms: irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, etc.).
Patients with impaired kidney function should not eat too much watermelon. Because this fruit contains a lot of water and can increase sugar excretion through urine.
Citrulline in watermelon has the effect of dilating blood vessels and regulating blood pressure. However, supplementing too much watermelon can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure (dizziness, fainting, fatigue, weakness, etc.).
Studies show that plant compounds in watermelon can control blood sugar levels. However, in fact, this research is only preliminary, so diabetics should consult a doctor before adding watermelon to their diet.

Watermelon contains abundant nutrients and has many good effects on health. However, you should only add watermelon 2-3 times/week to avoid risks and unwanted effects. In addition, you should combine it with other foods to diversify the nutritional composition and have a comprehensive impact on health.


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