Lotus leaves are a medicinal herb with many uses and have been used as medicine for a long time. Folk experience uses lotus leaves to prevent and treat diseases caused by dampness during the summer months such as heatstroke, sunstroke, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

According to traditional medicine, lotus leaves have a bitter taste, neutral properties, and are beneficial to the heart, spleen, and liver meridians; they have the effect of clearing heat, removing dampness, and stopping bleeding; they are used to treat dampness and diarrhea (diarrhea caused by summer heat and humidity), dizziness, edema, hemoptysis, nosebleeds, uterine bleeding, hematochezia, postpartum dizziness, etc. Folk experience using lotus leaves to prevent and treat diseases caused by dampness and heat in the summer months such as heatstroke, sunstroke, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

Lotus leaves prevent and treat diseases caused by dampness (sunstroke, heatstroke, diarrhea, etc.)

According to modern medical research, lotus leaves also have the effect of reducing fat and preventing atherosclerosis, in addition to the effect of detoxifying mushrooms. Clinically, lotus leaves are also used to prevent and lose weight, keep fit, prevent and treat high blood pressure, lower blood fat, atherosclerosis and cholecystitis.

Some remedies from lotus leaves:

Recipe 1: Hà diệp (dried lotus leaves) 10g (fresh 30g). Steep in boiling water, drink instead of tea, drink continuously for 3 months/1 course.

Effect: cooling, good for digestion, improves blood circulation, regular use can prevent high blood pressure and stroke, suitable for the elderly.

Recipe 2: Fresh lotus leaves 6g (use the edge of the leaves), honeysuckle 6g, Tây qua (watermelon rind) 6g, Ty qua bi (luffa rind) 6g, fresh bamboo buds 6g; put in a pot, cover with water, boil until 300ml of water remains; divide into 2 doses to drink during the day.

Effect: Relieves heat in summer, clears the lungs, used in cases of heatstroke, headache, dry cough, dizziness, lightheadedness.

Recipe 3: 20g fresh lotus leaves (chopped), 5 jujubes. Steep in boiling water in a sealed container, drink the water instead of tea;

Effect: Clears heat, benefits qi, reduces heat; used for children and the elderly with mild fever, heat in the body in summer.

Recipe 4: 15g hawthorn, 10g polygonum multiflorum (or use 20g fresh lotus leaf); cut into small pieces; steep in boiling water, drink as tea during the day.

Effects: Benefits the spleen and stomach, reduces blood stasis, reduces fat, prevents stagnation, lowers cholesterol and increases blood flow in the coronary arteries, protects the liver, prevents cardiovascular disease.

Recipe 5: 6g lotus leaf, 3g wood fiber, 6g forsythia, 2g coptis, 5g bamboo leaf, 6g peony bark, 3g scutellaria root, 10g cogon root. Boil to get water to drink as tea.

Effects: Clears heat, reduces heat; used for people with depression, dry nose and throat, thirsty mouth, nosebleeds, and difficulty in urination and defecation.



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