According to many historical documents, fig trees appeared very early and have outstanding characteristics. Figs were especially valued by the Greeks to the point that there were policies prohibiting the export of this fruit. Over time, scientists have discovered many special nutrients in this fruit. So what are the effects of figs and how to eat them properly?

1. Characteristics of figs

Figs are a type of tree belonging to the mulberry family. Figs are shaped like water droplets with a size as large as a finger. The flesh of the fig is pink, has a slightly sweet taste, is soft and chewy when eaten. The seeds of the fig are edible and slightly crunchy.

Figs have many nutrients that are good for health.

Fresh figs are often very thin and easily damaged. Therefore, to preserve figs for longer, people often dry them completely. Thanks to that, we have a sweet, crispy and quite nutritious dried fruit that can be used all year round.

There are many types of figs with differences in characteristics, structure and color. The unique feature of this fruit is a small hole shaped like a smile, commonly known as ostiole at the top of the fruit that helps the fruit grow. Before the appearance of refined sugar, people often used figs as a natural sweetener.

There are many beneficial nutrients in the fruit and leaves of the fig tree. Some of them include: stimulating the digestive system better, reducing the risk of heart disease and controlling blood sugar levels.

2. What are the effects of figs?

Here are the proven effects of figs on our health:

2.1. Improve digestive health

Since ancient times, figs have been used as an alternative medicine for digestive problems, notably constipation. Figs contain a lot of fiber that stimulates the digestive system to function better. This fiber content will soften and add a large amount to the stool, effectively reducing constipation.

The digestive system is stimulated to be healthy when eating figs.

Fiber also acts as a prebiotic or can also be food for healthy bacteria in the intestines. A study conducted with 150 people with irritable bowel syndrome accompanied by constipation showed that when they ate about 45g of dried figs every day, symptoms such as pain, bloating and constipation were significantly reduced.

Another study conducted with 80 people also showed that supplementing 300g of fig powder every day regularly for 8 weeks will significantly reduce constipation compared to the control group.

2.2. Support blood vessel and heart health

The effect of figs is also to help improve blood pressure and blood lipids significantly. In addition, the health of blood vessels was also recorded at a better level, while reducing the rate of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

After conducting a study, scientists said that fig extract can reduce blood pressure in mice with normal to high blood pressure. Animal studies have also shown that total cholesterol is significantly improved. HDL cholesterol and triglycerides are also in better condition when supplemented with fig leaf extract.

However, a study conducted with 83 people for about 5 weeks with high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, adding 120g of dried figs to their daily diet recorded the following results: Blood lipid levels did not change compared to the control group.

So far, we still need to do more research to be able to analyze and understand the relationship of figs to cardiovascular health.

2.3. Improve skin health

Figs contain many nutrients that are beneficial for the skin, especially for people with atopic dermatitis, dry skin, etc. Scientists conducted a study with 45 children with dermatitis and showed quite good results. They used a cream extracted from dried figs twice a day for 2 consecutive weeks. The symptoms of dermatitis were also improved significantly compared to other treatments.

In addition, extracts from fruits (including figs) have also shown to have antioxidant properties for skin cells. Not only that, they also reduce the breakdown of collagen and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Therefore, it is still difficult to determine whether the positive effects on the skin are due to fig extracts or other fruits. Researchers still need to conduct more studies to clarify the effects of figs on the skin.

The effects of figs on the skin are still being studied.

In a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, 25 people with common warts applied fig latex on one side and used cryotherapy from figs on the other side. The results showed that 44% of the participants who applied fig latex had their warts completely resolved. In contrast, the cryotherapy method gave more surprising results for the remaining 56%.

Until now, researchers still do not understand why figs can resolve the problem of warts. Fig latex can provide quite safe and easy-to-use treatment solutions with few side effects.

2.4. Cancer prevention

Dried figs are considered one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant content (especially polyphenols). This is a typical plant flavonoid that has the effect of inhibiting and preventing the development and harmful effects of free radicals in the body. If you do not regularly eat vegetables, tubers, and fruits to supplement polyphenols, your body will be susceptible to damage due to tissue degeneration or other aging-related diseases.

Many preliminary scientific studies have also shown the effects of dried figs in the treatment and cure of prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. To improve immunity and improve health, people often add dried figs to nutritious rice dishes, porridge, or soak them in medicinal wine to drink.

2.5. Beneficial for pregnant women

During pregnancy, nutrition is the most important issue for pregnant women. Proteolytic enzymes in figs help pregnant women digest and absorb nutrients and prevent symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, heartburn, etc. If you are worried about blood sugar and blood pressure during pregnancy due to eating too many supplements, don’t worry. The rich amount of vitamin B and potassium in figs will help balance these indicators and ensure a healthy body.

Sudden changes in hormones during pregnancy also cause many pregnant women to suffer from psychological problems such as stress or insomnia. To improve this condition, pregnant women can add salted or dried figs to their daily diet. The reason is because the active ingredient tryptophan in figs has the ability to help relax the mind, reduce stress and improve sleep.

After giving birth, pregnant women can drink fig decoction to both stimulate milk production and quickly regain their original shape.

2.6. Good for bones and joints

Figs are one of the rare fruits that contain both rich and even levels of vitamins and minerals. Among them, calcium and potassium are the two main minerals that play an important role in increasing bone density and improving bone structure. Along with that, vitamins such as C and K also have the effect of restoring and regenerating bones in cases of trauma or bone and joint diseases.

The bodies of children and adolescents need a lot of nutrients every day to create conditions for healthy bone and joint development. In addition to feeding children nutritious foods such as meat, eggs, milk, parents can make salads or cakes with fresh figs to supplement their daily diet.

2.7. Enhance physiological health for men

In middle age, most men experience a decrease in desire and performance in the bedroom. This is also the age when problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc. begin to appear frequently and cause a lot of trouble. For these cases, figs are considered a miracle drug that helps men “rejuvenate”. The reason is because the mineral and vitamin content in figs can increase blood circulation, produce red blood cells and prolong intercourse time.

In addition, the amino acids in figs will also help stimulate desire and pleasure during intercourse. For the best results, you can soak figs in milk overnight and eat them the next day.

In addition to the outstanding benefits mentioned above, scientists have also shown that figs can reduce blood sugar levels, improve hair health and reduce fever. However, these uses still need more research to confirm their ability to health.

3. Include figs in your menu in many different ways

Depending on your needs and personal preferences, you can choose the most suitable type of fig:

Figs can be added to the daily diet.

Dried figs are high in calories, natural sugar, fiber, vitamins and more minerals than fresh figs. They can help you treat constipation most effectively.

Fresh figs are rich in vitamins C and A and beta-carotene. Fresh figs are quite low in calories and are considered a great snack. You can add fresh figs to salads or daily desserts.

Fig leaves: In our country, most people use fig leaves to eat with sour spring rolls to enhance the delicious flavor of the dish. Meanwhile, in other countries, fig leaves are used to wrap meat.

You can completely enjoy the delicious flavor of figs in many different ways. However, dried figs have a relatively high amount of sugar and you should not eat too much.

After the information shared above, you must have known the unexpected benefits that this fruit brings to your health. The health benefits of figs have been proven through many practical studies. Hopefully, the above content will be useful to you.


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