Not only a spice, perilla leaves are also very good for health, can support the treatment of diseases. In particular, many people also use perilla leaves to beautify the skin. Below is how to cook perilla leaf water to drink to beautify the skin and issues to note when drinking this water.

1. Some features of perilla leaves

Before instructing how to cook perilla leaf water to drink for beautiful skin, the article will provide some basic information so that you can recognize and understand more about this type of leaf.

Perilla is grown a lot in Asian countries. In Vietnam, this is also a popular spice, grown in many provinces and cities and is a familiar dish in Vietnamese meals. Perilla is divided into 2 types: green perilla leaves and red perilla leaves.

The top and bottom of perilla leaves have different colors.

Not only contributing to making the dish more delicious and attractive, perilla leaves are also used a lot in treating diseases and beautifying. Some nutrients in perilla leaves such as vitamins, Omega-3, calcium, potassium, antioxidants and vitamins, flavonoids, …

Here are some uses of perilla leaves:

– Whitening skin: This type of leaf contains a lot of vitamin C, E and flavonoids, … helps fight dermatitis, cleanse the skin, eliminate toxins, dirt, remove sebum, …

– Support the treatment of flu symptoms such as reducing cough, reducing fever, loosening phlegm, reducing sore throat, …

– Support the treatment of asthma.

– Helps reduce joint pain, effective anti-inflammatory.

– Good for digestion, reduces constipation symptoms and helps you eat more deliciously.

2. How to make perilla leaf water to drink for beautiful skin

Here are some ways to make perilla leaf water to drink for beautiful skin that are very easy to make and bring positive effects that you can refer to:

2.1 How to make perilla leaf water

You need to prepare about 200g of perilla. Note that the leaves must be fresh and still have the branches and leaves intact.

The method is very simple as follows:

+ First, pick the perilla leaves, remove all the yellow, wilted leaves but remember to leave the leaf stems. After the leaves have drained, cut them into small pieces.

+ Put the perilla leaves in a 2.5 liter pot of water and bring to a boil. When the water boils, turn down the heat and continue to boil for about 2 to 3 minutes, then turn off the stove.

+ Filter the water to drink. After the water cools, you can put it in the refrigerator and use it gradually.

2.2. How to cook perilla leaf water with rock sugar

If you find perilla leaf water difficult to drink, you can apply the following method to cook perilla leaf water to beautify your skin:

– Ingredients to prepare: 200g fresh perilla leaves and whole branches, a little rock sugar (depending on your sweet tooth), 2.5 liters of clean water, one lemon.

Bright and beautiful skin thanks to using perilla leaf water properly

– How to cook as follows:

+ First, you also remove the wilted, yellow leaves and wash them, then let the leaves drain.

+ Put the leaves in a pot of water and boil. When the water boils, turn down the heat and boil for about 2 to 3 minutes. This is the way to make the water darker.

+ Remove the perilla leaves from the pot of water, then add rock sugar, continue to boil for 5 minutes. When the water has cooled, add lemon juice.

+ Let it cool and use gradually.

– This way of cooking perilla leaf water to drink for beautiful skin is very easy to do. However, to ensure quality and effectiveness, you need to note the following:

+ You should only drink within 24 hours. If left for a long time, the water will not have a delicious taste and the quality will not be guaranteed.

+ When boiling water, you should not let the water boil for too long to avoid evaporating the essential oils in the leaves.

+ Do not drink too much to prevent the risk of bloating and indigestion. It is best to drink in moderation.

3. Instructions on how to beautify your skin at home

In addition to the method of boiling perilla leaves to beautify your skin, you can apply some measures to beautify your skin at home as follows:

– Drink plenty of water: This is a very simple and easy way to do it, but you cannot ignore it if you want to have a smooth, white skin. When you drink plenty of water, you can effectively eliminate toxins, your skin can maintain moisture and become brighter and smoother.

– Add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet: This is a group of foods that contain many minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant compounds, helping your skin avoid the attack of free radicals, slowing down the aging process and helping your skin to be naturally white and beautiful.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables for beautiful skin

– Don’t forget to use sunscreen: This is a useful product to help you fight the harmful effects of sunlight, prevent the risk of melasma and dark spots.

– Exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week to help your skin become cleaner and brighter.

– Steam: This is a simple method that can be done at home to help remove dirt and sebum on the skin, thereby helping your skin become cleaner and brighter. You can steam with perilla leaves, green tea leaves or some other herbs.

– Apply a mask to provide nutrients to the skin, making it healthier and more beautiful. You can choose a mask from yogurt, honey, tomatoes, etc.


Above are some instructions on how to cook perilla leaf water to drink to beautify the skin, very simple and anyone can apply. However, you should note that you should not abuse it, drink too much perilla leaf water to avoid unnecessary risks.



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