To achieve the goal of losing weight quickly, in addition to regular exercise, you need to pay attention to choosing foods for your daily diet. The article below will suggest 5 fat-burning foods you should eat when losing weight. Please read it now!


Avocados are a nutrient-dense food that can support diets by providing a large amount of healthy fats and fiber. Not only do they have an attractive fatty flavor, avocados are also easily incorporated into meals and snacks, creating a delicious feeling without adding too much seasoning.

Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and fiber, making them great for a diet.

A 2021 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that women who consumed one avocado a day as part of a reduced-calorie diet lost more visceral fat than those who did not include avocado in their diet. This suggests that avocados may contribute positively to belly fat loss when combined with a healthy diet.

However, another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2022 did not find that avocados reduced belly fat, although daily avocado consumption did result in modest reductions in total cholesterol and LDL, the “bad” cholesterol. While the results of the study are mixed, avocados are a nutritious and filling option that can be part of a healthy diet.


Coffee contains caffeine, which helps improve mental and physical performance. In a small study, people who drank caffeine 1 hour before exercising burned nearly twice as much fat and spent 17% longer exercising than those who did not drink it.

Other studies have shown that caffeine can also increase metabolic rate by 3-13%, depending on the amount consumed and the individual’s constitution. To take advantage of the fat-burning benefits without experiencing side effects such as anxiety or insomnia, each person should limit their caffeine intake to less than 400 mg/day, equivalent to about 4-5 cups of coffee.


Apples have always been known as an ideal fruit in the diet thanks to their high water and fiber content. When eating apples (should eat the skin), the body will be supplemented with a large amount of fiber and water, helping to create a feeling of fullness for a long time and reduce cravings. Apples also contain very few calories but are rich in antioxidants, helping the body control cravings for sweets. In fact, apples contain up to 85 – 86% water by weight and the amount of calories that apples provide ranges from 80 – 130 calories, depending on the size of each fruit.

Apples are also very low in calories but rich in water and fiber, helping to create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The fiber content in apples also plays an important role in supporting the weight loss process. Each apple contains 4 – 5g of fiber, providing 12% – 16% of the fiber the body needs in a day. Fiber helps prolong the feeling of fullness, thereby reducing the amount of food consumed, helping to maintain the calorie deficit necessary for weight loss. In addition, apples also have a low glycemic index, which can support sustainable and long-term weight loss.

Chili peppers

Chili peppers are not only a spice that enhances the flavor of dishes, but are also proven to promote the burning of calories and energy thanks to the compound capsaicin. Researchers at the University of Wyoming (USA) have discovered that capsaicin in chili peppers can stimulate the body to generate heat, create energy and thereby help burn calories, supporting weight loss.

promote calorie burning

However, consuming too much chili can have negative effects on the stomach and digestive system, leading to discomfort and related problems. Therefore, it should be used in moderation to avoid harming health.

Green Tea

In addition to caffeine, green tea also contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that may boost fat burning and reduce belly fat. A study of 12 healthy men found that fat burning during cycling increased by 17% in the group taking green tea extract compared to the placebo group.

Drinking up to 4 cups of green tea a day can bring many benefits, including increasing the amount of calories burned. However, some other studies have shown that green tea does not affect metabolism or weight loss, suggesting that the effects of green tea may vary depending on the person and the amount consumed.


Thus, the above article has summarized 5 fat-burning foods that should be eaten when losing weight. Choosing healthy and reasonable foods not only helps provide nutrients but also actively supports the weight loss process. Foods such as avocado, coffee, hot peppers, apples and green tea not only provide nutritional benefits but also promote the process of burning excess fat and controlling calories effectively. However, to achieve the best results, it is necessary to combine it with a suitable exercise regimen.


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