Lemon juice is naturally acidic and increases citrate levels in urine, hence discouraging the formation of kidney stones. Lemon juice also filters blood and flushes out wastes and other toxins. Daily intake of diluted lemon juice reduces the rate of kidney stone

Watermelon is a mild diuretic. It hydrates and cleanses the kidneys. It is also rich in lycopene, which improves cardiovascular health and ensures well-functioning kidneys.

Both the juice and seeds of pomegranate contain large amounts of potassium and therefore are effective in removing kidney stones. Potassium lowers acidity of urine, prevents stone formation because of its astringent properties, curtails crystallization of minerals, and flushes out toxins and waste from the kidneys.

Consuming tea made using dried organic dandelion or fresh dandelion root (pulled from the ground) helps to cleanse the kidneys. Dandelion is a kidney tonic, but also stimulates bile production to improve digestion and minimize the waste reaching the kidneys.

When dates are soaked in water for 24 hours and then consumed after seeds are removed, they are effective in dissolving and flushing out kidney stones. Dates are rich in fiber, helping to reduce the risk of kidney stones. The magnesium ingredient in dates also cleanses the kidneys.

Basil is an effective diuretic. It removes kidney stones and improves kidney functioning. Basil also lowers the level of uric acid in blood and improves kidney health. Its ingredients such as essential oils and acetic acid break down kidney stones and allow for smooth removal. Basil is also a pain killer.

Apple cider vinegar is effective in preventing oxidative stress of the kidneys. It increases the levels of antioxidants in the body, balances blood sugar levels and reduces blood pressure, creating optimum conditions for kidney health. Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid which dissolves kidney stones. Frequent intake of apple cider vinegar also flushes out toxins from the kidneys.

Kidney beans not only resemble the kidneys but also remove waste and toxins from the kidney and flush out kidney stones effectively. Kidney beans are rich in Vitamin B, fiber and several minerals which help to clean the kidney and boost the function of the urinary tract.

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