Papaya is always a favorite fruit of many people, but few people know that papaya has the following medicinal effects.

According to Oriental medicine, papaya is called Mộc qua, has a cold nature, sweet taste and slightly pungent smell. It has the effect of clearing heat, strengthening the spleen, cooling the liver, laxative, detoxifying, and reducing swelling. Green papaya is used to crush with water and apply on the face or hands, treating freckles on the face and hands, and is also used to treat calluses and eczema…

Ingredients in papaya

Ripe papaya contains about 90% water, 13% sugar, no starch, has many organic acid carotenoids, vitamins: A, B, C, 0.9% fat, cellulose (0.5%), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin.

Papaya has the effect of clearing the mind, moistening the lungs, cooling and detoxifying.

Another research result shows that in 100g of papaya there are 74 – 80mg of vitamin C (the main vitamin in papaya), carotene (provitamin A) 500 – 1,250UI. In addition, there are vitamins B1, B2, enzymes, minerals such as potassium (179mg), calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

In addition to the above substances, green papaya also contains 4% of opaque white latex, a mixture of many proteases (enzymes that digest protein), in which the main substance is papain. A papaya tree in a year produces about 100g of latex (take the fruit when it is still young on the tree). In addition, there are chymopapain and papaya protease.

Papaya leaves contain the alkaloid carpain, which has the same effect as the glucoside of Digitalis, family Scrophulariaceae, slowing the heart rate and killing amoebas. Papaya seeds contain caricin and myrosin glucosides.

Papain enzyme has the same effect as papein enzyme of the stomach, similar to trypsin enzyme of the pancreas in digesting meat. In particular, it can also inhibit the growth of bacteria. Staphjllococ and typhoid bacteria are very sensitive to the effect of papain.

Papain also has the effect of coagulating milk and the effect of reducing toxicity to toxin and toxanpunin.

Some medicinal recipes and treatments using papaya

Seasonal health care: in spring and summer, eating papaya has the effect of clearing the mind, moistening the lungs, cooling, and detoxifying. In autumn and winter, eating papaya has the effect of moistening the intestines, warming the spleen and stomach, nourishing the liver, moistening the lungs, stopping coughs, and dissolving phlegm. Ripe papaya is available all year round and is good for health in any season.

Anti-aging health care: papaya is good for people who age quickly, have dry skin, are not in good health, and have chronic diseases. How to use: 200g ripe papaya, 300g banana, blend the above 2 ingredients in young coconut water and drink daily. If you have honey or royal jelly, it is even better. It should be consumed hot, avoid using it cold and do not add ice because papaya itself is cold.

Lack of sleep, often nervous: 100g ripe papaya, 100g banana, 100g carrot. Blend in grated young coconut water. Add honey to sweeten it enough, drink every other day.

Treatment of pinworms: eat ripe papaya in the morning on an empty stomach for 3-5 consecutive days.

Chronic gastritis: 30g papaya, 30g apple, 30g sugarcane, boil and drink.

Cough due to lung deficiency: 100g green papaya, 20g rock sugar, stew and eat, eat twice a day at noon and evening, eat for 3-5 days.

Spleen and stomach weakness (indigestion, constipation): 30g papaya, 15g Chinese yam, 6g hawthorn, cook porridge.

Treatment of back pain and weak knees: 30g papaya, 15g Achyranthes, 10g wolfberry, 3g licorice, boil and drink.

Cure cough, bronchitis, hoarseness or loss of voice in children: pick 5 – 10 male flowers, roast until golden brown, add rock sugar and steam or steam when the rice cooker is out of water, give to children to drink during the day.

Skin care, beauty care, anti-aging: 1 ripe papaya weighing 0.5 kg, 4 cups of fresh milk, 20g lotus seeds (remove the core) soaked until soft, if fresh, peel, 2 red jujubes, remove seeds, enough rock sugar. Put all in a large bowl and steam for about 2 hours until the lotus seeds are soft. Eat hot.

Used as cosmetics (external use): in foreign countries, people use ripe papaya, remove the skin, seeds, grind it finely to make a facial mask, help get rid of acne (Paul Neinast – Dallas).

Green papaya crushed with water, used to apply on face or hands to treat freckles on face, hands, also used to treat calluses and eczema…

To treat headaches: take fresh papaya leaves, crush them, wrap them in gauze, and apply to temples.

Other uses of papaya:

– Green papaya stewed with any type of animal meat makes the meat tender. In our country, mothers who breastfeed often eat pig’s feet stewed with green papaya to produce more milk.

– Cure spinal stenosis: rub the papaya seeds to remove the surrounding slime, crush them in a cloth bag and apply to the painful area. Apply for a maximum of 30 minutes each time and monitor to avoid burns. Do this once a day, continuously for 20 – 30 days.


Papaya provides a relatively large amount of energy. 100g of ripe papaya provides 44 – 55kcal (12.8% sugar). Therefore, people with high blood sugar are advised not to eat too much. If you eat 100g of ripe papaya every day for many months, the skin on the palms and soles of your feet will turn yellow because some of the 19 carotenoids in papaya are slowly excreted. If you stop eating papaya for a few months, the jaundice will disappear on its own.


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