Raspberry, also known as dum dum, dum huong, raspberry…, with the scientific name Rubus alceaefolius Poir, is a species that grows wild widely in all provinces in the lowlands, midlands and plains. The fruit, branches, leaves and roots are all used as folk medicine.

According to traditional medicine, raspberries have a sweet and sour taste, neutral properties, and have the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, astringing urine, supporting yang, consolidating essence, and improving eyesight. They are often used to treat impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, fatigue, and blurred vision. Ancient medical books such as Biet Luc, Ben Cao Cuong Muc… have all recorded prescriptions using raspberries as medicine with quite profound explanations.

Modern nutrition shows that raspberries contain organic acids such as fupenzic acid, ellagic acid, citric acid, malic, salicylic acid…), sugar, pectin, very rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, Mg, Zn… The pharmacological effects of raspberries are also quite rich such as antibacterial, promoting the fat burning process with the role of raspberry ketone (RK) to help prevent obesity and prevent atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of angina attacks due to coronary artery insufficiency with the role of ellagic acid and salicylic acid, protect liver cells, stabilize blood sugar with the role of ketones in the composition to help the body increase the production of adinopectin which has the effect of regulating blood sugar, anti-oxidation and anti-aging with the role of vitamin C, flavonoid, ellagic acid and vitamin E, enhance sexual and reproductive capacity in both men and women with the amount of vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, Mg, Zn and especially a substance that has the same effect as male sex hormone (testosterone) through stimulating Leydig cells of the testicles, preventing kidney stones, protecting and improving eyesight, enhancing the body’s immune system, improving digestion, beautifying the skin and preventing cancer, especially nasopharyngeal and colon cancer…

Raspberries can be used in many different forms: Fresh, washed, used as a fruit or processed into ice cream, yogurt, jam, cake filling or made into fruit juice, wine… The dried form is used as medicine.

Recipe 1: 200g sea cucumber, 150g goat meat, 12g raspberry, 12g Chinese clematis, 6g cinnamon, enough spices. Soak sea cucumber until soft, wash, cut into small pieces, wash goat meat, cut into pieces. First, remove raspberry and Chinese clematis, boil to get the water, then add goat meat, sea cucumber and cinnamon and simmer until the goat meat is tender, season to taste, eat hot. Uses: nourish the kidneys, benefit qi, warm yang, used to treat impotence, spermatorrhea, frequent urination due to kidney failure.

Recipe 2: 5 sparrows, 30 – 45g of rabbit ty tu, 10 – 15g of raspberry, 20 – 30g of wolfberry, 100g of rice, onions, ginger and spices to taste. Cook all into porridge, add enough spices, divide into several meals a day. Uses: strengthen the original yang, nourish the essence and blood, benefit the liver and kidneys, warm the lower back and knees, suitable for cases of kidney deficiency leading to impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, back and knee pain or cold pain, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, frequent urination, women with excessive vaginal discharge, infertility…

Recipe 3: 15g of Morinda officinalis, raspberry, rabbit ty tu, soak in 250ml of rice wine, after 7 days it can be used, drink 20 – 30ml per day. Uses: kidney tonic, strengthens tendons and bones, used for impotence, spermatorrhea, spermatorrhea, weak back and knees, cold pain caused by kidney deficiency.

Recipe 4: 150g each of female chasteberry, raspberry, mulberry, wolfberry, ginseng, rock sugar, soak in 1,500ml of rice wine, cover tightly and keep in a cool place, after 3 weeks it can be used, every night before going to bed drink 1 small cup (about 20ml), used for cases of decreased sexual ability, decreased quality and quantity of sperm, vaginal dryness in women.

Recipe 5: raspberry, cistanche, wolfberry, schisandra, and codonopsis pilosula, equal amounts, dried, powdered, made into pills the size of corn kernels. Drink 2 times a day, 6g each time with warm water. Uses: specializes in treating impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility due to kidney deficiency. This is an ancient medicine called “Ngu Tu Dien Tong Hoan”.

Recipe 6: raspberry, tang phieu tieu, ich tri nhan, son thu du, each 12g, decoct and drink 1 dose per day. Uses: used to treat frequent urination, especially in the elderly.

Recipe 7: raspberry, sa uyen tu, son thu du, khiem thuc, long cot, lien tu, each 12g, decoct and drink 1 dose per day. Uses: used to treat spermatorrhea and nocturnal emission.

One thing to note is that, although raspberry is a tonic, according to medical books, the daily dosage is only 10 – 30g.


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