According to Oriental medicine, cucumber is also called Ma bao qua (young cucumber with green skin) and huynh qua is old, ripe cucumber with yellow skin. Cucumber is cold in nature, sweet in taste, and affects the spleen, stomach, and large intestine meridians.

Cucumbers are commonly called cucumbers. According to Oriental medicine, cucumbers are also called Ma bao qua (young cucumbers with green skin) and huynh qua is old, ripe cucumbers with yellow skin. Cucumbers are cold and sweet, affecting the spleen, stomach, and large intestine meridians. They have the effect of clearing heat, diuresis, and quenching thirst. They treat heat-damp conditions such as dysentery and edema. The experience of using cucumbers as medicine has been around for over 4,000 years in Egypt and India. Cucumbers contain a lot of water, protein, sugar, fiber, ash, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron; in addition, they also contain selenium, sulfur, manganese, iodine, potassium, mucus, and vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, arginine, and pectin. The smaller the cucumber, the greener the skin, the higher the biotin content (a great skin tonic), and the higher the vitamin C and selenium content compared to the fruit. Cucumbers with a length of less than 20cm and a small stem give the best quality.

Cucumber – a refreshing dish for summer days. Small, dark green cucumbers contain a lot of biotin which helps beautify the skin.

According to Western medicine, cucumbers have the effect of purifying blood, dissolving uric acid and urate salts, having diuretic effects, eliminating stones, eliminating bad fats, preventing arthritis, gout, mild sedation, lowering blood pressure, reducing fever, and eliminating worms (especially seeds); in particular, it is increasingly used to treat some skin diseases such as wrinkles, chapped skin, moldy skin, freckles, and oily skin.

Recently, scientists around the world and in China have researched the treatment of AIDS with a complete preparation, containing the roots of a type of Chinese cucumber (mentioned in ancient books from the Han Dynasty) with an extract called trichosanthin (or Clo 223, or compound Q). This substance has the effect of “silently and mysteriously” attacking HIV-infected cells and only those cells. (It is not like AZT, an AIDS drug that only inhibits the reproduction of HIV). The initial results were very positive, reaching 75% “creating a revolution in medicine, honoring oriental medicine and confirming the need to combine Eastern and Western medicine…”

Cucumber products – a cosmetic used by Queen Cleopatra in ancient times.

How to use cucumbers to prevent and treat diseases.

Children with summer fever are thirsty, want to drink a lot of water, and sweat little: Should be examined to confirm the diagnosis of fever. Combined recipe: 250g cucumber, 500g tofu, cooked, add a little salt for children to eat.

Children with summer dysentery, due to low heat: 10 young cucumbers, cut into small pieces and cooked with molasses. Or pickled cucumbers, boiled to get water, cooked into porridge for children to eat.

To quench thirst, to avoid dry mouth and throat: Fresh cucumbers, eat whole or remove the core, not peel, slice lengthwise, eat plain or dip in salt and chili. Avoid eating a lot when hungry, causing stomach upset.

To treat bad breath due to heat in the spleen and stomach: – Peel the cucumber, cook and drink daily.

Nourish health in summer to prevent fatigue and lethargy: Mixed cucumber juice: 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 20g lemon juice, 20g honey, 1 carrot. Squeeze the vegetables and fruits, then add honey and lemon and mix well.

Appetizer: Cucumber with ginger: Thinly slice the cucumber. Crush the ginger, boil it in water, squeeze out the ginger juice and mix with the cucumber (for those who are afraid that cold cucumbers cause bloating).

Daily nutritious food: It is a dish of pickled cucumbers in fish sauce (Fish sauce is rich in protein, fat and precious minerals as we know). Use dried baby cucumbers to soak in fish sauce, mixed with perch sauce, fish sauce, chili, garlic, ginger, galangal, and a little sugar. After 1 week, take it out and eat with rice.

Weight loss:

Every day, take about 120g of fresh cucumber, sliced ​​or shredded, mixed with oil, vinegar, and spices to eat as a salad. Can be served with green bean sprouts, raw, fresh ripe tomatoes, radishes, etc.

Cucumber 200g, squash 200g, hawthorn 50g, fresh tangerine peel 30g, enough honey, melon, pumpkin, seedless hawthorn, chopped tangerine peel. Squeeze the juice and mix with honey to drink daily (Can add fresh radish)

Pickled cucumber, eaten with rice, accompanied with fatty dishes to avoid feeling full, easy to digest.

Detoxification to protect the body: This is a necessary requirement to pay attention to every day. To choose healthy foods and have detoxification effects, a list has been given, in which cucumbers are ranked 26/50 because they have a clear diuretic effect to detoxify through the urinary tract such as uric acid in gout.

Strengthen immunity to prevent cancer:

30-60g cucumber, eat daily or squeeze to get juice to drink.

500g cucumber, 30g white vinegar, 50g white sugar, 5g sesame oil. Peel and cut 1 small ginger root into thin strips. Cut cucumber into round pieces and remove seeds. Soak in vinegar water for about 30 minutes with ginger sugar. Remove and drain, sprinkle with sesame oil. Eat with rice.

Make cosmetics (Queen Cleopatra 2000 years ago had beautiful skin until old age thanks to facial scrubs made from cucumber):

For white, rosy skin without wrinkles: Take 2 slices of cucumber, crush finely, mix with facial cream, 1 tablespoon of olive oil (and maybe a tablespoon of honey), mix well into a smooth, elastic mixture and put in the refrigerator for 1/2 hour. Before going to bed, rub on face for 30′ – 1 hour, then wash and let dry before going to bed.

Treating rough, blistered facial skin due to using “fake” cosmetics, too much sun exposure, treating wrinkles on the face: 2 cucumbers, 1 squash, cut into pieces, squeeze to get the juice, add enough honey to make a drink. Mash the pulp with tofu into a poultice for 20 minutes, then wash off. Once every other day.

Treating freckles: 1 cucumber, cut into small pieces, squeeze to get the juice, mix with yogurt to make a facial cream. 20 minutes each time, 1-2 times a day.

Beautifying the skin: 50g crushed almonds, boil with 200g cucumber juice, let cool, filter through cloth, add 200g alcohol, 1g rose essential oil.

Cucumber cheese to nourish the skin and treat skin diseases: 300g filtered cucumber juice, 100g beef fat, 0.5g tolu wax, 250g pork fat, 3g rose water. Grind all in a mortar and apply on the skin.

Medicinal dishes from cucumbers

Fresh cucumbers: eat them raw, or dip them in salt and pepper when thirsty. But avoid eating a lot when hungry, which can cause stomach upset. This is the best way to eat cucumbers. To eat the whole skin, wash the skin thoroughly. Choose small cucumbers.

Salted cucumber meat soup (Russian dish): 200g diced beef, 200g diced pickled cucumbers, 3g dried garlic, 5g dried onion, 10g celery. 5g olive oil, lemon seasoning, pepper and MSG. Stir-fry the meat first, 0.7 liters of olive oil, boil the meat until tender, then add celery and seasoning, squeeze lemon when eating, sprinkle pepper.

Cucumber and purple algae soup: 15g cucumber, 7.5g purple algae, 2g ginger. Additives include sesame oil, soy sauce, spices, broth.

Cucumber and wood ear soup: 1 cucumber, remove seeds and thinly slice, 1 handful of wood ear. Salt 2.5g, sesame oil 25g, MSG 1.5g. Fat and soy sauce as desired. Stir-fry the wood ear first, then add the cucumber, season.

Pickle cucumbers in large jars, put them in baby corn jars to eat with rice and other dishes such as pickled onions, bamboo shoots, baby corn. The sour taste of canned or jarred cucumbers varies depending on the place of production. You need to try them to choose the right one for your taste next time because some types are too sour and some people can’t eat them.

Mixed cucumber juice: 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 20g lemon juice, 20g honey, 1 carrot. Squeeze the vegetables and add honey and lemon and mix well.

Cucumber cooked with vinegar to promote urination and reduce swelling: Slice cucumbers and cook with vinegar until boiling, remove and eat both the solids and the liquid.

Cucumber cooked with molasses to treat children with summer dysentery: 10 young cucumbers, cut into small pieces, cook with molasses and eat within 1-2 days. Use

Note: Eating too much cucumber can cause cold stomach, bloating, indigestion, and heat damage. Do not eat when it is rainy and humid, or when people have just recovered from illness. Children should not overuse raw cucumber.


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