In both modern medicine and traditional medicine, the Bodhi tree is known for its various medicinal properties, particularly in relation to bone and joint pain. So, what benefits does the Bodhi tree have for the human body? What should be noted when using it?

Characteristics of the Bodhi Tree

Before exploring the benefits of the Bodhi tree, it’s important to identify this species to avoid confusion in nature. The Bodhi tree, also known as the white ant tree, northern calm tree, white sang tree, or white Bodhi, is scientifically named Ficus Religiosa.

In Vietnam, the Bodhi tree can be found in the midland and northern mountainous regions. In feng shui, the Bodhi tree is considered a spiritual tree that has the ability to ward off evil and purify spaces, which is why it is often planted in areas like temples, pagodas, and shrines. Here are some characteristics that can help you easily identify the Bodhi tree:

  • Growth: The tree is woody, with a trunk diameter that can reach up to 3 meters and a height of up to 30 meters.
  • Leaves: The leaves of the Bodhi tree are heart-shaped or oval, arranged alternately, large and long, with a smooth top surface that is green and a white underside with prominent veins.
  • Flowers: The flowers are small, tubular, covered in fine hairs, and grow at the ends of branches or in leaf axils, emitting a light fragrance.
  • Fruits: The fruits are egg-shaped, small, and hairy.

Both the leaves and sap of the Bodhi tree are commonly used for medicinal purposes. The sap is usually harvested in the summer or fall from the trunk. The quality of the sap can be determined by its color and scent.

What Are the Benefits of the Bodhi Tree?

The Bodhi tree contains a diverse range of chemical components, including Benzyl Cinnamate, Benzoic Acid, Vanillin, Cinnamic Acid, Benzyl Benzoate, and Siaresinolic Acid. With these components, what benefits does the Bodhi tree offer?

Benefits of the Bodhi Tree

In modern medicine, the Bodhi tree is recognized for the following benefits:

  1. Supports the Treatment of Kidney Stones and Chronic Bronchitis: It may help alleviate symptoms and support recovery in these conditions.
  2. Reduces Swelling and Toothache: The tree has analgesic properties that can effectively relieve pain associated with dental issues.
  3. Antiseptic and Anti-inflammatory: It helps disinfect wounds, reduce inflammation, and promote the healing process.
  4. Relieves Joint Pain: The Bodhi tree can soothe pain and inflammation related to arthritis and other joint conditions.
  5. Blood Nourishment and Menstrual Regulation: It is believed to help improve blood circulation and regulate menstrual cycles.
  6. Improves Digestive Issues: The tree can aid in alleviating stomach pain and diarrhea.
  7. Stabilizes Heart Rhythm: It may contribute to maintaining a stable heart rate.

These benefits highlight the medicinal potential of the Bodhi tree, making it a valuable resource in herbal remedies.

Some Remedies from the Bodhi Tree

Here are some remedies using the Bodhi tree that you may find helpful:

  1. Toothache Relief: Wash young buds and leaves of the Bodhi tree, then boil them to make a mouthwash. Use it twice a day.
  2. Cough Treatment: Grind the sap of the Bodhi tree and mix it with honey. Take this mixture 2 to 4 times a day.
  3. Disinfection: Crush young buds or leaves of the Bodhi tree, add a little water, mix well, and strain to obtain the juice. Use a cotton swab to apply it evenly to the wound.
  4. Stabilizing Rapid Heartbeat: Grind about 2 grams of Bodhi tree sap into a fine powder and mix it with warm water to drink daily. This method can also help prevent feelings of nervousness.
  5. Relief from Stomach Pain and Bloating: Take 9 grams each of star anise, patchouli, Bodhi tree, fragrant herb, sa nhân, and mộc hương, and 6 grams each of agarwood and cloves. Grind them finely, mix well, add honey, and dilute with perilla leaf water to drink daily.
  6. Joint Pain Relief: Melt Bodhi tree sap and mix it with a piece of pork, then place it in a bamboo tube and roast it over high heat. Direct the mouth of the tube towards the painful joint to soothe the pain. Be careful to maintain a safe distance to avoid burns from hot steam.
  7. Wound Healing: Soak 20 grams of Bodhi tree sap in 100 ml of 80-degree alcohol in a glass jar for about 15 days. Apply this mixture to the wound. Not only does it help wounds heal quickly and prevent infection, but this mixture can also be used to treat gum inflammation by holding it in the mouth for 5 minutes.



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