Perilla leaves are not only an indispensable spice in many foods but also a health-friendly medicinal herb. Many folk remedies from perilla leaves have become pocket handbooks of Vietnamese families. Therefore, what are the effects of perilla leaves? The following article will help you understand better.

1. What are the health benefits of perilla leaves?

Perilla leaves are dark green, with many purple veins inside. Since ancient times, Vietnamese people have passed down many medicinal recipes from this herb and folk dishes cannot lack perilla. There are many studies showing that perilla leaves can support the treatment of flu, food poisoning, asthma, respiratory viruses, diabetes, etc.

Typical uses of perilla medicinal herbs include:

Perilla leaf juice is very benign and effective in treating coughs for children Perilla leaf juice is very benign and effective in treating coughs in children 

1.1. Fight against respiratory pathogens

There have been studies that have shown that perilla leaf extract can inhibit the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in many ways. This makes perilla leaves a friendly natural medicine that helps prevent the growth of SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as other respiratory viruses

In addition, extracts from this leaf are also very good for treating asthma because it increases air circulation and improves lung function. This is information cited from a study published in the Archives Of Allergy And Immunology journal.

1.2. Skin beauty

The active ingredient Piseril in perilla leaves plays a role in improving pigmentation and removing dead skin cells relatively effectively. In this aspect, perilla leaves help the skin become more even-toned and brighter. On the other hand, the vitamin E in perilla leaves also increases moisture and helps the skin become smoother.

1.3. Anti-allergy, protects the cardiovascular and nervous systems

Extracts obtained from perilla leaves can prevent the appearance of allergic reactions inside the body. The Omega-3 content in this leaf is relatively high, so it is anti-inflammatory, good antioxidant and also a source of energy to enhance cognitive function of the brain, thereby preventing the risk of memory loss in the elderly. In particular, Omega-3, if absorbed daily, also helps to improve cardiovascular health.

1.4. Treating gout and good for digestion

There are up to 4 active ingredients in perilla leaves that can reduce the enzyme xanthine oxidase – the agent that forms uric acid that causes gout. Explaining the effects of perilla leaves through the tests that have been conducted, it has been shown that daily use of perilla leaf extract will improve symptoms of discomfort in the digestive tract, gastroesophageal reflux disease and mild constipation in irritable bowel syndrome.

Perilla leaves can reduce the xanthin oxidase enzyme that causes gout

Perilla leaves can reduce the enzyme xanthine oxidase that causes gout

1.5. Cancer Prevention

A large amount of luteolin, rosmarinic acid and triterpene in perilla leaves have been shown to fight cancer cells that are lurking in the body.

1.6. Treating skin diseases

Drinking perilla leaf water can improve the condition of itchy rashes and hives on the skin. Using this water every day is especially effective in repelling the symptoms of depression and itching in people with hives.

1.7. Supporting weight loss

Perilla leaf water is rich in vegetable protein, minerals, fiber and vitamins, so it will speed up the digestion process of the stomach, thereby reducing the risk of being overweight and obese.

1.8. Stabilizing autoimmune diseases

Compared to many other vegetable oils, perilla seed oil contains more omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. So what effect does perilla leaf have in this regard? Omega-3 acids are very good for controlling autoimmune conditions such as asthma, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Asthma patients can respond relatively well to treatment with perilla seed oil because this is a medicinal herb that can inhibit airway constriction and reactions to inhaled irritants. Not only that, perilla seed oil also inhibits the movement of white blood cells to the lungs, preventing the risk of anaphylactic shock – an abnormal immune response with a serious level, directly threatening life if not treated immediately.

2. How to cook perilla water to improve health and medicine from perilla leaves

2.1. Cook perilla water

Once you know the health benefits of perilla leaves, you will surely be interested in how to prepare this miraculous medicinal herb. To cook perilla leaf water, you just need to take a sufficient amount of leaves, wash them, soak them in salt water, then boil 2.5 liters of filtered water and put the perilla leaves in, cover tightly.

Boil the mixture again for 2 minutes, then turn off the stove, let it cool, pour it into a clean bottle and add 3 slices of fresh lemon, cover and store in the refrigerator. Take this water out every day and drink 10-30 minutes before three main meals to reduce the amount of food intake and prevent fat absorption.

Perilla leaf water helps cool down summer days

Perilla leaf water helps cool down on summer days

Perilla leaf water should not be used for people who sweat a lot, have a fever, pregnant women and children. You should only drink a maximum of 3-4 cups of perilla leaf water every day, but it should be divided into many times.

2.2. Remedies using perilla leaves

– Cold treatment: use a handful of fresh perilla leaves with 3 slices of ginger and 2 chopped onions, put them in a bowl, then crack in an egg and scoop in porridge, mix well and eat hot.

– Cure flatulence and stomachache: crush a handful of perilla leaves with a little salt and then squeeze out the juice to drink.

– Cure shortness of breath, cough: use the peeled mulberry root and perilla leaves, put them in a pot and boil with enough water until there is only one cup of water left, then squeeze out the juice to drink. Hopefully the information in this article has provided you with information to help you know what perilla leaves are good for so you don’t forget this natural and very cheap medicine.


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