White chrysanthemum has many health benefits such as treating headaches, reducing blood pressure, preventing physical weakness… Dosage: 6 – 20g per day in the form of decoction, tea or powder.

 Image of white chrysanthemum

                                                   Image of white chrysanthemum

Other names: White chrysanthemum, white chrysanthemum, white chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum flower, golden chrysanthemum, Japanese chrysanthemum, mother chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum business Scientific name: Chrysanthemum maximum Family: Asteraceae


Description of white chrysanthemums

+ Botanical characteristics

The white chrysanthemum is a small flowering plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. This plant was first scientifically recorded in 1753. Here are some identifying characteristics of this chrysanthemum:

Stem: Grows straight, average height ranges from 0.5 to 1 meter. The plant is perennial or annual. The stem has a smooth outer shell, light green or dark green. The stem has grooves and can branch. The whole stem is covered with a layer of soft, white hairs.

Leaves: The white chrysanthemum has simple leaves, growing alternately. Each leaf has 3-5 lobes. The underside is hairy but not as dark as the top. The leaf edges are serrated and slightly pointed at the tip. The petiole is about 1cm long, with ears at the base.

Flowers: Chrysanthemum flowers grow from the tip of the branch or develop from the leaf axils. The flowers are not the same size. The diameter of each flower is about 2.5 – 5 cm. The outer petals are pure white, the inner petals are shorter and can be pale yellow. The entire petals grow thinly to take the deep yellow calyx.

Fruit: The white chrysanthemum plant rarely produces fruit. If it does, the fruit is usually oval.

+ Distribution

The white chrysanthemum plant can adapt to many different climate conditions, so it is grown in many places. The plant is found everywhere, from the plains to the highlands in our country.

Because of its beautiful flowers, the white chrysanthemum plant is often grown by people as an ornamental plant. The petals are also used to make tea.

+ Used parts

The part used by traditional medicine as medicine is the dried flower. The flower is intact, bright in color, and has a characteristic aroma.

+ Harvesting – Preliminary processing:

The white chrysanthemum is usually harvested in late autumn and early winter, usually from September to November when it has just begun to bloom. The whole plant will be cut and brought back to a shady place to dry in the wind, then pick the flowers. If you want it faster, you can also dry the flowers at low temperatures.

Normally, every 5 – 6kg of fresh flowers after drying or drying will yield about 1kg of dried flowers.

+ Characteristics of medicinal herbs

Dried white chrysanthemums are light yellow or brown, with flat petals. The middle of the flower has many tubular petals, with a perianth underneath. It tastes sweet and slightly bitter on the tip of the tongue. The medicinal herb has a characteristic fragrant scent of chrysanthemums.

+ Storage

Store medicinal herbs in plastic or glass jars or pack them in nylon bags. Store in a cool, dry place to avoid mold. Avoid storing medicinal herbs in places with high temperatures or near water sources.

+ Chemical composition

White chrysanthemum contains the following components:








Agric Biol Chem



Triterpenoid glycoside



Heneicosane and some other chemical compounds


White chrysanthemum medicinal taste

+ Properties

According to the book Ben Jing: White chrysanthemum is neutral, slightly bitter

According to the book Thang Dich Ban Thao: The medicinal material is cold, bitter and sweet

According to the book Biet Luc: Sweet taste According to the book Essential Oriental Medicine: White chrysanthemum is sweet and bitter, neutral and slightly cold

According to the book Lam Sang Thuong Dung Trung Duoc Thu Sach: Sweet and bitter taste, slightly cold.

+ Meridians

White chrysanthemum can be classified into 4 meridians:

Lung meridian

Liver meridian

Kidney meridian

Spleen meridian

+ Pharmacological effects of white chrysanthemum

– According to traditional medicine:

White chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, dispelling wind, removing stagnation, calming the liver, and relieving pain. Indications:

High blood pressure




Physical and nervous weakness

Acne, boils

Symptoms caused by wind-heat


Japanese encephalitis

Vulvar swelling and pain


Chronic tonsillitis

Impaired vision Headaches…

Dried white chrysanthemum is used as a medicinal herb

                                  Dried white chrysanthemum is used as a medicinal herb

– According to modern medicine:

Modern research has recorded many good uses of white chrysanthemum for health such as:

Supporting blood sugar control for diabetic patients Antibacterial, strengthening the immune system

Detoxifying the liver, treating scabies, rashes Sedating, reducing nervous tension, helping to sleep deeply and soundly

Reducing blood pressure

Reducing blood fat

Stimulating digestion, enhancing the ability to absorb and metabolize nutrients

Improving vision, preventing dryness, pain or eye fatigue Antispasmodic of smooth muscles in the uterus, thereby reducing menstrual cramps

Cold relief, fever reduction

+ Dosage of white chrysanthemum

Use 6 – 20 grams per day depending on the subject, the disease being treated, the severity of the disease

+ How to use

White chrysanthemum can be used in the form of tea, decoction or powder


Remedies using white chrysanthemums

White chrysanthemum is an indispensable ingredient in the following remedies:

1. Treating rheumatism causing pain in the legs and knees

Combine white chrysanthemum with old, perennially grown mugwort. Dry both and grind into powder. When using, take a sufficient amount and mix with paste to make a medicine to apply to the painful area. Repeat 2-3 times a day when rheumatism causes pain.

2. Treating neurasthenia

Neurasthenia has recognizable signs such as fatigue, frequent dizziness, insomnia, and memory loss. Patients can apply the following remedy to overcome it:

Prepare white chrysanthemum, tan quy, phu linh, dia hoang and wolfberry each 20g, nhi nhan 25g, chi nhuc, tuc tuy tu, thon dong, son khuong each 15g, huong thao, hoang ba, and ginseng each 10g. Combine all ingredients and boil with 800ml of water. Cook until the soup is reduced to 300ml, then stop. Filter and drink twice a day. Treatment course is 5 consecutive days.

3. Cure for drunkenness

Use dried white chrysanthemum flowers, grind into fine powder. When using, mix about 3 spoons of powder with boiled water and let cool to drink.

4. Treat Japanese encephalitis B

Use white chrysanthemum flowers, bamboo roots, and winter lily flowers, each 10g, 6g of elderberry, dofu, and green asparagus, 5g of gardenia fruit, platycodon grandiflorum, and 2g of mint.

Boil all ingredients with 300ml of water for 2 minutes. Filter and drink once a day. Regularly boil and drink 1 dose a day, symptoms of Japanese encephalitis will gradually improve.

5. Treatment of hypertension in cases of atherosclerosis or symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus

The ingredients of the medicine include: White chrysanthemum, long thuyen flower, mulberry leaf, each 10g, raw rehmannia and pearl shell each 25g, yam 15g, poria and cornus officinalis each 12g.

Put all the medicine in a pot, boil with 800ml of water to get 300ml. Divide the decoction into drinks in the morning, noon, and evening. Use 1 dose per day.

6. Treatment of chickenpox spreading to the eyes causing pterygium

Prepare a dose of medicine including ingredients such as: Chrysanthemum, custard apple, sticky rice and green bean pods. In which, white chrysanthemum and green bean pods are used in equal amounts, dried, and ground into fine powder.

When sick, each time take 4g of the medicine powder and cook with 1 bowl of sticky rice and 1 custard apple until the water is gone, then stop. Eat 3 times a day. Mild cases will be cured after only 5-7 days, more severe cases need to be used continuously for about half a month.

7. Treat dizziness, anti-aging, prolong youth

White chrysanthemum picked on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. Combine 2 pounds of dried herbs with 1 pound of white poria. Grind both into powder, store in a sealed jar. Take 8g each time, mix with hot wine and drink in the morning, noon, and evening of the day.

8. Treat high blood pressure in people with kidney problems

Prepare white chrysanthemum, ground bone, jujube peel, and water plantain each 10g, white poria, rehmannia, yam, flat orchid each 12g, long thuyen hoa 6g. Rinse the prepared herbs with water to remove dirt. Then put them in a pot with 800ml and boil until reduced to 300ml, then stop. Filter and drink 3 times a day to help reduce blood pressure, enhance kidney function.

9. Treating wind-warm Taiyin syndrome, cough, fever, thirst

Use 4g of white chrysanthemum, 8g of Chinese clematis, 8g of Chinese clematis root and Platycodon grandiflorum each, 3.2g of mint and licorice each, 10g of Chinese clematis root and 6g of Chinese clematis root. Put the medicine in a pot, add 3 bowls of water and boil until only 1 bowl remains. Divide the medicine into 3 doses per day. Persistently boil and drink 1 dose per day until the disease is cured.

10. Treating headaches caused by wind-heat syndrome in people

Combine 12g of white chrysanthemum with 12g of gypsum and 12g of rosemary. Grind both into powder, take 6g each time and drink with tea.

11. Treatment of hypertension in subjects with heart failure or with frequent symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, blood stasis

Apply the following prescription: 6g white chrysanthemum, 15g each of Cistanche deserticola and red polygonum multiflorum, 10g rehmannia glutinosa, 10g yungui, 10g schisandra, 10g jujube seed, 10g scrophularia, 6g white poria, 6g cuu tiet xuong bo, 6g guo lao, 6g codonopsis, 3g son chi tu.

Boil all with 1 liter of water for about 60 minutes. Filter and drink 3-4 times a day. Drink 1 dose every day regularly to keep blood pressure stable.

12. Treatment of vulvar swelling and pain in women

Use the young tips of white chrysanthemum, wash with salt water. Crush in a mortar, boil with 1-2 liters of water to steam the private area. When the water cools, wash the outside clean. Do this once a day.

13. Treat liver and kidney damage, impaired vision, poor eyesight

Use 12g of white chrysanthemum, 20g of rehmannia root, 16g of yam, 12g of white poria, 12g of deer antler, 12g of cornel, 12g of rehmannia root. Grind all of them into a fine powder, mix with enough honey and knead into a smooth dough that is no longer sticky. Divide into equal parts and roll into pills the size of corn kernels. Drink regularly every day.

14. Treat dizziness

1kg of dried white chrysanthemum and 240g of red pepper. Remove the eyes of the red pepper, grind into powder with white chrysanthemum. Then mix the powder with the decoction of rehmannia root to make pills the size of corn kernels. Every day before going to bed, take 50 pills with boiled water and let it cool.

15. Treatment of painful boils

Use about 1 handful of white chrysanthemum roots, wash them. Crush them and squeeze out the juice and drink once a day until the boils disappear.

16. Treatment of eye pain in cases of wind-heat

Use white chrysanthemum in combination with other medicinal herbs including: Shangcao, Scutellaria, Guoluo, Rehmannia glutinosa, Perilla leaves, Cassia seeds, Forsythia, Platycodon grandiflorum, Saigao, Polygala, Ginger and Copper. Use equal amounts of all to make a decoction and drink 1 dose a day.

17. Prevention of stroke, boils and eye diseases

Equal amounts of dried white chrysanthemum and Dioscorea. Grind both into a fine powder and mix with honey to make pills and drink with water.

18. Treatment of wind-heat in the early stages

In the early stages, wind-heat has symptoms such as feeling slightly cold or having a fever, dizziness, red and painful eyes. In the book Commonly Used Chinese Medicine Handbook, the prescription Tang Cuc Cau Lien Hop Te Gia Gia Giam is recorded to overcome this disease as follows:

Preparation: White chrysanthemum and Xa Tien Thao each 12g, Can Diep, Cat Canh Va Cau Dang each 8g, Forsythia and Quoc Lao each 4g. Boil the medicine with 500ml of water for about 30 minutes. Wait for the medicine to cool, filter and drink 3 times a day

19. Treat wind-heat syndrome caused by the liver meridian, swollen, painful and red eyes

Use the prescription Cuc Hoa Tan. Ingredients include 12g each of white chrysanthemum, Bach Tribulus, Khuong Hoat and Moc Troc; 3.2g Thuyen Thoai. Maintain regular drinking of 1 dose per day to overcome the disease and accompanying symptoms.

20. Treat boils or boils that have pus

Use 160g of white chrysanthemum combined with 20g of Quoc Lao (licorice). Boil to get water to drink


White chrysanthemum has antibacterial effect, treats acne and boils

                        White chrysanthemum has antibacterial effect, treats acne and boils

21. Treat high blood pressure

Take 10g of white chrysanthemum, 8g of Sophora jasmine and 3g of peanuts, wash them, put them in a pot. Add 550ml of boiling water, simmer until the water is reduced to 250ml. Divide each dose into 3 times a day. Drink 10 doses in a row and then stop.

22. Treat headaches

when the weather changes Use 9g of white chrysanthemum, 3g of jasmine, 5g of red clematis, 10g of pennywort. Wash everything and boil with 700ml of water for 20 minutes. Filter the water and drink 3-4 times a day until finished. Each treatment course lasts 5 consecutive days.

23. Cure chronic tonsillitis

Take 40g of white chrysanthemum and cook it with 30g of perilla leaves to make tea and drink it every day to cure chronic tonsillitis.

24. Improve eyesight

Use white chrysanthemum to make tea and drink it every day. Continue drinking it for a long time to see the effect.

25. Treat physical weakness

Prepare 10g of white chrysanthemum and morning glory each, 12g of mugwort leaves, 8g of snow grass, and 8g of young ginseng leaves. Wash the above herbs and then boil them with 700ml of water. Cook until there is 250ml of water left, then turn off the stove. Divide the medicine into three doses. Drink regularly for 5 consecutive days.

26. Cure allergies, rashes, freckles, and nourish the skin

Take 100g of white chrysanthemum and cook it with a pinch of dried rosemary leaves and a large glass of water. Boil for about 5 minutes. Let the water cool, use it to wash your face or areas with rashes, allergies 1-2 times a day. Or you can take 10 white chrysanthemum flowers and boil them with 250ml of water. When the water boils, add 1/3 teaspoon of salt, stir until completely dissolved. Remove the flower residue, take the water and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Finally, use cotton to absorb the mixture and apply it to the skin 2-3 times a day. After applying, leave it for about 15 minutes before rinsing. 


How to soak white chrysanthemum wine

White chrysanthemum soaked in wine also brings many wonderful effects to health such as: Treating headaches, improving eyesight, relieving colds, brightening eyes, preventing dizziness, vertigo, and hot flashes.

The way to soak white chrysanthemum in wine is very simple. You can use fresh or dried chrysanthemum:

– Preparation:

300g fresh white chrysanthemum or 150g dried

white chrysanthemum White sticky rice wine: 3 liters with an alcohol concentration of 40 – 45 degrees

White sugar: 20g

– How to do it:

Wash the chrysanthemum, let it drain completely First put the flowers in a glass jar and add sugar to soak for about 1 week

Continue to pour the prepared wine

Cover the jar tightly, soak for another half month and it can be used. However, the longer the chrysanthemum wine is soaked, the better it is and if it is buried in the ground, it will have better effects.

– How to use:

Drink 1 small glass every day during meals, 2 times a day. Persistently drink for about 2 consecutive months and you will see your health improve.

Taboo when using white chrysanthemums


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