The effects of fish mint can be mentioned as weight loss, supporting diabetes treatment, acne treatment, diuretic. Let’s find out what effects fish mint has with the article below!

1 What is Houttuynia cordata? Nutritional composition of Houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata is a perennial herbaceous plant with small white flowers that bloom in early summer and heart-shaped leaves with prominent veins.

In addition, Houttuynia cordata can be used in Asian cuisine as a medicinal plant or a dish called Houttuynia cordata.

The nutritional composition of Houttuynia cordata includes substances that are beneficial to health such as:

Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium and lauric acid. Antioxidants: rutin, quercetin and hyperin. Alkaloids and flavonoids have medicinal effects and support metabolism in the body. Fiber and vitamin C.

Fish mint contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body\

      Fish mint contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body.

2 Benefits of Fish Mint

Cooling and Detoxifying

Fish Mint contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances that have the effect of cooling and detoxifying. Thanks to these substances, fish mint can help cleanse the body, detoxify the liver and support the synthesis of substances in the body.

Therefore, fish mint can help improve the condition of mouth ulcers, sore throat and support the immune system.

  Fish mint helps cleanse the body and detoxify the liver.

                  Fish mint helps cleanse the body and detoxify the liver.

Support for diabetes treatment

Research has shown that fish mint can help reduce blood sugar levels and improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes. Antioxidants in fish mint can protect pancreatic beta cells from damage caused by complications of diabetes.

However, patients should not only use fish mint to treat diabetes but should combine it with a healthy diet and lifestyle.


Fish mint helps reduce blood sugar levels

    Fish mint helps reduce blood sugar levels

Weight Control Support

Houttuynia cordata is low in calories, so it helps in effective weight control. In addition, the fiber in Houttuynia cordata helps create a feeling of fullness for longer, reduces hunger and controls overeating. Houttuynia cordata also contains a lot of water, helps maintain moisture balance and reduces cravings.


Fish mint helps reduce daily calorie intake

      Fish mint helps reduce daily calorie intake

Helps with urination

Houttuynia cordata contains a lot of potassium – an important active ingredient that helps increase urine production. Eating or drinking Houttuynia cordata juice has a diuretic effect, especially for people with painful and frequent urination.

In addition, Houttuynia cordata also contains flavonoids and other compounds that can stimulate the kidneys to secrete urine and eliminate waste from the body.

 Eating or drinking fish mint juice has diuretic effects.

     Eating or drinking fish mint juice has diuretic effects.

Helps improve respiratory diseases

Houttuynia cordata contains many vitamins and minerals that can enhance resistance and support anti-bacterial, thereby helping to improve respiratory problems.

In addition, Houttuynia cordata also contains many antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances that help reduce inflammation and make the respiratory system more open

Fish mint helps improve respiratory problems

 Fish mint helps improve respiratory problems

Strengthening the immune system

Houttuynia cordata can strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of lymphocytes and white blood cells, which are important for the body’s natural immune system.

However, it is best to combine eating Houttuynia cordata with exercise, exposure to sunlight and ensuring adequate sleep to best support the immune system’s function.


Fish mint stimulates the production of lymphocytes and white blood cells.

Reduce allergies, rashes

Houttuynia cordata has the ability to inhibit the release of histamine – a compound that triggers the immune response when having allergies, rashes. Therefore, Houttuynia cordata can prevent and reduce the symptoms of allergies and some problems related to the release of too much histamine

Fish mint can prevent and reduce symptoms of allergies.

  Fish mint can prevent and reduce symptoms of allergies.

Good for the skin

Houttuynia cordata is a good detoxifier, helps the skin become healthier and has the ability to heal problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Houttuynia cordata contains antioxidants that can help cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation and stimulate the skin regeneration process, helping to improve skin-related problems


                                                   Fish mint helps skin become healthier

Good for the digestive system

Houttuynia cordata contains a large amount of soluble fiber, which helps the body digest easily, softens stools and limits constipation. In addition, Houttuynia cordata contains antioxidants that help protect the digestive system from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Good for cardiovascular health
Houttuynia cordata is rich in antioxidants that help protect cardiovascular cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, Houttuynia cordata can also help expand coronary arteries, improve blood circulation and enhance cardiovascular function.
                              Fish mint is rich in antioxidants that help protect cardiovascular cells.
Support to reduce fever in children
Gotu kola contains nutritional supplements such as vitamin B, protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and essential amino acids for the body. These ingredients help the child’s body recover, support digestion and reduce fever effectively.
Gotu kola has the ability to reduce fever quickly but has almost no side effects, so it is very safe for the health of young children.
How to do:
Step 1: Wash about 30g of fresh gotu kola.
Step 2: Crush the washed gotu kola and boil for about 5 – 10 minutes.
Step 3: Turn off the stove and wait for the gotu kola water to cool naturally.

Step 4: Filter the gotu kola water and give it to the child to drink.

  Fish mint has the ability to reduce fever quickly.
                                              Fish mint has the ability to reduce fever quickly.
Cough treatment
Houttuynia cordata is effective in treating coughs thanks to the active ingredient decanoyl-acetaldehyde which has antibiotic properties and fights bacteria in the body.
In addition, Houttuynia cordata also contains protein, fat, carbohydrates and some precursors such as lauryl acid and N-methyl ketone which are used in pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, detoxifiers and flu treatments.
Support the treatment of gynecological diseases and enhance female physiological health
Houttuynia cordata contains many important nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin C, minerals and fiber, helping to improve health and support the function of the female reproductive system.
Houttuynia cordata also has the effect of reducing uncomfortable and painful symptoms in gynecological diseases such as vaginitis, urinary tract infections, cervicitis and menstrual disorders.
At the same time, Houttuynia cordata has the ability to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, thereby helping to enhance female psychological and physiological health.
 Fish mint helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menstrual disorders.
                         Fish mint helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menstrual disorders.
Cancer Prevention Support
Houttuynia cordata contains many antioxidants that are effective in supporting the fight against the development of cancer. Houttuynia cordata can slow down and prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially for rectal cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.
Fish mint can slow down and prevent the growth of cancer cells.
                                     Fish mint can slow down and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

3 Side effects of fish mint

Some side effects of fish mint include:
Adversely affects kidney function: Consuming large amounts of fish mint causes the kidneys to work excessively.
Diarrhea, cold stomach: Especially common in people with cold constitution or whose limbs are often cold.
Risk of poisoning: The environment where fish mint is grown is very susceptible to the growth of many bacteria and worms, so if you eat raw fish mint that has not been washed thoroughly, you will be at risk of infection, stomach ache and diarrhea.
Eating too much raw fish mint can cause food poisoning.
                                  Eating too much raw fish mint can cause food poisoning.

4 Is it good to eat fish mint every day?

Fish mint is a rich source of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber and minerals. Eating fish mint every day is very good for your health, but you should not overdo it. (See more vitamin C products to boost immunity, supplement essential nutrients).

For adults, each day you only need to use 10 – 12g of dried fish mint to make tea or 20 – 40g of fresh fish mint to eat raw or juice.

Note: If you are taking medication, you should consult your doctor or health care professional to know the amount of fish mint suitable for your body and health condition.

 Every day you only need to use 20 - 40g of fresh fish mint to eat.

                               Every day you only need to use 20 – 40g of fresh fish mint to eat.


5 Notes when eating fish mint

Some notes when eating fish mint to avoid unwanted side effects:

Before using fish mint, wash it and soak it in diluted salt water to disinfect and remove bacteria and worms.

Do not eat or drink too much fish mint in a day.

Limit drinking fish mint juice when hungry because the ingredients contain a lot of vitamin C which can be harmful to the stomach.

People with weak stomach, cold constitution or cold hands and feet should avoid drinking fish mint juice after 10 pm.

Wash the fish mint and soak it in diluted salt water before using.

                                      Wash the fish mint and soak it in diluted salt water before using.


The above article has provided the effects and notes when using fish mint. You should not eat or drink too much fish mint in a day to avoid unwanted side effects!


1 Comment

  • Mery
    September 23, 2024 Reply

    Good article.

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