Eggplant contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health. However, we will be surprised at the health benefits of eggplant if we know how to use it properly.

1. Overview of eggplant

Eggplant has the scientific name Solanum melongena, belongs to the Solanaceae family, it is used as a vegetable in cooking. This type of eggplant originated from Southern India and Sri Lanka. The appearance of eggplant in Southern and Eastern Asia did not appear in Western countries until the 1500s.

Today, eggplant is widely grown in many places, grown for its fruit and is favored by many people because of its high nutritional value. Eggplant has an average height of about 50 – 150cm and often has small thorns on the stem, wide leaf blades and the underside of the leaves is covered with fine hairs, white to light purple flowers.

2. What are the benefits of eating eggplant?

If you eat eggplant regularly, you will receive the following benefits:

2.1 Protecting the heart

Eggplant is a food rich in potassium that stabilizes the heart rate. In addition, eggplant contains many flavonoids that help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the body. These things will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2.2 Rich in antioxidants

Eggplant can fight free radicals. Protect cells by slowing down cell aging, and it also helps remove toxins from the body.

2.3 Good for the eyes

Eggplants contain anthrocyanin – a soluble compound that is good for the central nervous system, so it can help prevent cataracts and help the eyes see more clearly.

2.4 Support weight loss

Eggplants contain a high amount of soluble fiber, which is good for the digestive system. In addition, eggplants contain a significant amount of water and are low in calories, so they support weight loss quite effectively.

2.5 Prevent anemia

Eggplants are rich in iron, which helps prevent anemia. In addition, they also play an important role in the development of red blood cells because they help metabolize protein.

2.6 Strengthen bones

Eggplants contain phenolics, which help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. In addition, eggplants also contain large amounts of iron and calcium, which are essential nutrients needed for healthy bones.

2.7 Prevent hair loss

Eggplants contain many vitamins such as A and B, which help hair grow thicker and stronger, keep hair moist and prevent hair loss.

In general, the effects of eggplants are numerous, not only helping to prevent disease but also supporting beauty very effectively.

3. Things to note when eating eggplant

To take advantage of the benefits of eggplant, you should know the following notes to eliminate harmful substances.

3.1 Harmful effects of eggplant if eaten too much

Eggplant contains a substance called solanine, which has antioxidant and cancer cell inhibitory effects. However, it also has a strong stimulating effect on the respiratory center, and has an anesthetic effect. Solanine is insignificantly soluble in water, so boiling still cannot destroy this substance.

To reduce this substance, when processing, add a little vinegar to promote the decomposition of solanine. Drinking eggplant juice is very likely to cause poisoning because the eggplant is not cooked.

Eggplant also contains a higher amount of nicotine than any other food. To avoid poisoning, you should only eat eggplant 2-3 times/week, about 100-200g each time, and you should cook the eggplant before eating.

3.2 Do not cook eggplant at too high a temperature

When cooked at too high a temperature, eggplant will lose a lot of nutrients. Even frying can cause up to 50% of the vitamins in eggplant to be lost.

3.3 Should eat the skin

Although eggplant is good for health, not everyone can eat this food. According to Oriental medicine experts, people with stomach problems should be careful when eating eggplant because eggplant is cold, eating too much can easily make the stomach feel uncomfortable and cause severe diarrhea. In addition, people who are weak or have rheumatism, pain in cold weather should not eat a lot and often, especially fried eggplant because it contains too much oil which can cause inflammation…

People with asthma and kidney disease should also not eat eggplant because eggplant contains high levels of oxalate – a type of acid found in plants that, if eaten too much, can easily cause kidney stones.

3.5 What is eggplant incompatible with?

It is a nutritious food, but not all foods can be combined. Do not cook with crab meat because these two foods are cold, when combined will make the stomach feel uncomfortable, leading to diarrhea.

4. Delicious dishes from eggplant

In addition to the medicinal effects of eggplant, this food is also extremely nutritious, providing all the essential nutrients for the body. Below are some delicious eggplant dishes that you can try making at home:

Grilled eggplant with scallion oil

Stir-fried eggplant with meat

Stuffed eggplant with meat

Eggplant soup

Eggplant cooked with beans

Eggplant braised with pepper

Crispy fried eggplant

Eggplant fried with fish sauce

5. How to choose and preserve eggplant

To have a truly delicious eggplant dish, the food selection stage is extremely important. Choosing a fresh, sweet eggplant will make the dish more delicious. Sometimes, if you choose old eggplants, the eggplant seeds will reduce the flavor and reduce the feeling of deliciousness when eating. Therefore, when choosing to buy eggplant, you need to pay attention to the following points:

First, you should pay attention to the eggplant skin, it must be shiny, smooth, evenly colored and firm to the touch. In addition, you can also pay attention to the stem of the eggplant to determine the freshness. If the part between the stem and the skin is connected, the eggplant is fresh, young and delicious.

Second, you need to determine the ripeness of the eggplant. At this time, gently press your finger on the eggplant. If the eggplant leaves a mark after pressing, the eggplant is ripe. If the eggplant is a bit hard, pinkish purple, or light purple, the eggplant is old and should not be purchased.

Do not buy wrinkled fruit or fruit with dark spots on the skin.

To use eggplants best, process them within 1 day after purchase. If you do not use them immediately, you can store them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Because eggplants have thin skins and are easily bruised, they must be stored carefully and wrapped in a paper towel. In addition, eggplants are also very sensitive to ethylene gas, so they should not be stored with tomatoes, watermelons and bananas.


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