Apple is a favorite fruit of many people because of its delicious taste, rich nutrition, containing ingredients such as: glucid, protid, Ca, P, Fe, Zn which play an important role in the growth and development of adolescents. In addition, it is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins and fiber, carbohydrates (pectin…), malic acid, quinic acid and other organic acids; aromatic compounds.

Apples have the effect of preventing high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and are also an ideal food for pregnant women. Women who eat apples regularly feel more satisfied with “that thing”. Because apples contain phloridzin, a compound very similar to the female sex hormone called estradiol, which plays a big role in awakening sexual desire in women. For men, apples have the effect of strengthening the kidneys, treating erectile dysfunction, spermatorrhea, prostate enlargement…

Apple peels have a very high nutritional content, and even possess many medicinal properties that are not inferior to the fruit flesh. However, many people are afraid that the peel is a place where bacteria, dirt, especially pesticides, gather, so they often peel it very thickly. Therefore, when choosing to buy apples, you should choose fruits with clear origins, grown and packaged cleanly. Buyers only need to wash them with clean water and can eat the peel to absorb maximum nutrients.

We do not necessarily have to eat apples every day, just eat 3-4 fruits/week. The best time to eat apples is between 2 main meals of the day.

How to prepare nutritious dishes from apples that are good for physiology:

200g apples, 150g carrots, 100ml fresh milk, 1 egg yolk, 30ml ginseng wine, appropriate amount of honey. Wash the apples and carrots, peel, slice, put in a blender with fresh milk and eggs; add honey, stir well. Eat once a day to treat erectile dysfunction.

200g apples, 100g lotus root, 100g carrots, appropriate amount of honey. Wash the apples, carrots, lotus root, peel, remove seeds, chop, put all in the blender, squeeze to get the juice, pour out and add honey, stir well. Use regularly to support the treatment of spermatorrhea.

200g apple, 50g celery, 10g long tu, 1/2 lemon. Wash the apple, celery, long tu, cut into small pieces, put into the machine, squeeze to get the juice, pour into a glass, squeeze lemon juice and stir well. Drinking regularly helps nourish the kidneys and strengthen the sperm.

200g apple, 1 carrot, 50g fresh Malabar spinach, 30ml honey. Wash the apple, Malabar spinach, carrots, peel the carrots (remove the seeds from the apple), cut into small pieces. Put into the machine, squeeze to get the juice; pour into a glass, add honey and stir well, it is effective in treating prostate enlargement.



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