According to traditional medicine experience, using perilla leaves to treat some diseases brings very good results such as treating cold, headache, cough, bloating, fish and crab poisoning and many other diseases. So is using perilla leaves to treat gout effective or not, this is a question that many people are interested in.

What is gout?

Gout is a disease caused by a disorder of uric acid metabolism. When uric acid levels in the body increase, urate salt crystals tend to crystallize in the joints and thereby cause inflammation.

Gout is a common and complex form of arthritis with sudden, severe pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in one or more joints, most commonly in the big toe.

Sudden pain in the big toe can wake you up in the middle of the night. The affected joints are hot, swollen and painful to the point that even the weight of a blanket placed on them feels unbearable.

Signs of gout

Severe joint pain: Gout usually affects the big toe, but it can occur in any joint. Other commonly affected joints include the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and fingers. The pain may be most severe within the first 4 to 12 hours after it begins.

Persistent dull pain: After the severe pain subsides, some joints may have a dull pain that lasts for several days to several weeks. Later, the pain will last longer and affect the joints more clearly.

Swelling and redness: The affected joint or joints become swollen, tender, hot, and red.

Limited movement: As gout progresses, the big toe joint becomes swollen and red, accompanied by pain that makes it impossible to move the joint normally.

According to traditional medicine, perilla helps reduce pain caused by gout.

Effects of perilla leaves on gout

According to traditional medicine, perilla has a warming effect on the three meridians of the Heart, Lung and Spleen. Perilla leaves have the effect of keeping uric acid levels in the blood at the lowest, thereby helping to treat and relieve pain caused by gout.

Modern medical experts have also proven that perilla contains ingredients that are good for health such as: Rosmarinic Acid, Luteolin, Perilaldehyde, Apigenin, minerals Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron… and vitamins A, B, C. These active ingredients all have the ability to support vasodilation, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, and excretion of uric acid in the blood from the body, helping to prevent inflammatory reactions and thereby effectively limit gout attacks.

In addition, perilla leaves contain some ingredients that inhibit the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is an enzyme that promotes the formation of uric acid in the body. Perilla leaves are rich in fiber and have high alkalinity, which can promote the process of purifying and eliminating uric acid in the kidneys. Therefore, perilla leaves are highly effective in treating gout.

Perilla is a medicinal herb that has good effects on health, including gout.

Ways to use perilla leaves to treat gout

Pound fresh perilla leaves and apply to joints

How to do it: Prepare 200g fresh perilla leaves, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 clean cloth. Wash the perilla leaves, drain. Then put all the perilla leaves in a mortar, add 1 teaspoon of salt, crush or grind them. Take a clean cloth, put the pureed perilla leaves in and apply to the joints, then tie it up. Apply for about 30-45 minutes.

Use fresh perilla leaves to boil water to soak your feet in the evening before going to bed

How to do it: Take 200g fresh perilla leaves, 1 teaspoon of salt, wash them, boil with 400ml of water for 30 minutes, wait for the water to cool to 45 – 50 degrees before soaking your feet.

Use dried perilla leaf powder mixed with hot water to create a glue and apply to the joints.

How to do: Use dried perilla leaf powder that has been ground into powder (sufficient amount), mix with hot water to form a thick, glue-like paste and apply to the painful, swollen joints for 30-45 minutes.

Boil fresh perilla leaves to drink every day

How to do: Take 20 grams of fresh perilla leaves, wash, chop, boil with 200ml of clean water, boil for about 15 minutes, divide the water into several times to drink during the day. You can take this medicine when you have an acute gout attack or drink regularly every day to control uric acid levels in the blood.

Use perilla leaves every day as a raw vegetable

How to do: Use perilla leaves in your daily diet, in addition to improving gout symptoms, perilla leaves also help solve digestive problems. food poisoning and some common health problems such as cough, flu, runny nose, …

Take 15g of perilla leaf powder, put it in a cup, pour hot boiling water to brew and drink daily.

Use dried perilla or roasted perilla and bury it in the ground to make tea

How to make: 20g dried perilla leaves, 4g licorice, then brew with boiling water to make tea. Use while still hot, can be used daily to effectively reduce pain caused by gout.

Notes when using perilla leaves to treat gout

You should consult a doctor or medical professional before using perilla leaves.

Using too much perilla leaves can cause symptoms of digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea.

Do not arbitrarily use perilla leaves in combination with other drugs or herbs because it can reduce the effectiveness of the drug or cause side effects. When using drugs, you should consult a medical professional before using.

Follow a healthy diet, abstain or limit foods high in purine.

People who are allergic to ingredients in perilla leaves or people about to have surgery, patients with glaucoma should not use it.

Have regular check-ups every 3 to 6 months to monitor and treat promptly if there is a risk of disease progression.

In summary, perilla leaves are a relatively benign medicine, capable of supporting vasodilation, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, eliminating uric acid in the blood from the body, helping to prevent inflammatory reactions, and thereby effectively limiting gout pain. However, using perilla as a medicine must be guided by a properly trained professional.



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