Rhinitis in children and how to prevent it

Rhinopharyngitis in children is an infection and swelling of the nose, pharynx, or throat of a child. The disease is spread through contact with droplets containing the virus in the air, which are spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes, blows his or her nose, or talks. Causes of...

Should babies bathe every day?

Bathing a newborn is a confusing task for many parents and can be stressful, especially for young parents. However, for the baby, it is a wonderful time for them to feel the warm steam on their skin and bond with their parents. Bathing your baby will bring many benefits,...

Anorexia nervosa in children

1. What is anorexia nervosa in children? Anorexia nervosa is a disorder in which a person restricts food intake relative to their energy needs by eating less, exercising more, and/or purging food through laxatives and vomiting. Children and adolescents with this disorder have a distorted view of their body...

Why is vitamin A supplementation necessary for measles patients?

Severe measles or complications of measles often occur in malnourished children, especially children with vitamin A deficiency, and children with weakened immune systems. Benefits of vitamin A for measles patients Due to the body’s reduced resistance, patients are susceptible to complications, most children with measles die from complications of...

What should children with zinc deficiency supplement?

There are many different reasons why children lose their appetite, one of which is zinc deficiency in young children. Zinc supplementation will help children improve their health, overcome anorexia and have a better appetite. So what should children with zinc deficiency eat to gradually regain their sense of taste?...

Zinc in children’s diet

Zinc is a mineral found in many foods such as red meat, wholegrain breads and cereals, dried beans, seafood and in small amounts in breast milk. Zinc is important for the normal growth and development of the reproductive organs and brain, and plays a role in the normal functioning...

Vitamins for babies

Healthy, full-term babies get most of the vitamins and minerals they need from breast milk or formula. If you are breastfeeding, a well-balanced, varied diet will ensure that your baby gets all the nutrients he or she needs. When your baby starts eating solid foods, include a variety of...

