8 remedies from turmeric

Turmeric is very familiar to each of us. Turmeric is known to have many health benefits, especially useful for gallstones, hepatitis, gastritis, etc. 1. Pharmacological effects of turmeric Yellow turmeric and black turmeric have been used in Oriental medicine for a long time. Both types have anti-inflammatory activity. The...

Remedies from pears

According to Oriental medicine, pears are effective in treating coughs. They also help moisten the lungs, reduce heat, produce body fluids, and nourish blood. Dry cough due to heat in the lungs (the effect of this method is to clear heat and reduce cough): the medicine consists of a...

Medicinal food from chili

Chili is a familiar spice, used in many dishes. Not only that, chili also has the effect of helping to prevent many diseases. Chili fruit, leaves and roots are all used as medicine. Chili fruit and seeds contain many vitamins C, PP, carotene, protein, carbohydrates, Ca, P, Fe, capsaicin,...

13 medicinal uses of chili peppers

There are many types of chili peppers: sweet peppers, spicy peppers… Sweet peppers are used as vegetables, spicy peppers are used as spices and medicine. All branches, leaves, fruits and roots of the chili plant are used as medicine. The fruit is used fresh or dried. The leaves are...

Can perilla cure gout?

According to traditional medicine experience, using perilla leaves to treat some diseases brings very good results such as treating cold, headache, cough, bloating, fish and crab poisoning and many other diseases. So is using perilla leaves to treat gout effective or not, this is a question that many people...

11 medicinal recipes from guava tree

Guava is a nutritious food, with many valuable uses for health. Not only that, parts of the guava tree are also used as medicine. 1. Characteristics of guava trees Guava trees are also called iron, pomegranate, guajava. Scientific name Psidium guyjava L. (P. pomiferum L. Psidium Pyriferum L.). Belongs...

Guava leaves help control diabetes and blood cholesterol

Guava fruit is known to have many health benefits. Guava leaves have long been used to treat fever and reduce inflammation, and are also very effective in controlling diabetes and blood cholesterol. A study published in Nutrition and Metabolism found that guava leaf decoction can reduce postprandial blood sugar....

Common remedies from guava leaves

Not only does it provide nutritious fruit, but all parts of the guava tree, including guava leaves, are used as medicine… 1. Benefits of guava leaves Guava leaves are a rich source of nutrients and trace minerals that are good for the body. Fresh guava leaves contain: 82.47% water;...

Some guava leaf water recipes to treat diseases

Guava leaves are not only used alone but also combined with other traditional medicines, used to prevent and treat diseases very effectively. In principle, guava leaves can be eaten, used fresh or processed to make tea or drinks, but guava leaves are also used in many valuable oriental medicine...

