According to Oriental medicine, cucumber is sweet, cool, affects the spleen and stomach, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and promoting urination. Used for cases of fever, dry mouth, thirst, sore throat, and edema.

Cucumber, also known as cucumber, lake qua, ngu qua, thich qua, is a very familiar fruit to everyone. According to Oriental medicine, cucumber is sweet, cool, affects the spleen and stomach, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and diuretic. Used for cases of fever, dry mouth, thirst, sore throat, edema.

Some commonly used remedies

Remedy 1: Treat children with digestive disorders in the hot season: 1 kg of young cucumber, wash, cut into small pieces, pour molasses over the medicine, boil for 10 minutes, eat many times in 1 – 2 days.

Cucumber has the effect of cooling and detoxifying.

Lesson 2: Nourish the spleen and stimulate digestion: Peel the cucumber, if there are many seeds, remove the seeds, wash and cut into pieces, stir-fry sweet and sour with pork, fresh shrimp, tomatoes, onions. Eating with rice is very good for the digestive system.

Lesson 3: Cooling and diuretic: Peel and wash 3 cucumbers, cut into strips. Boil 100g of lean pork shoulder or ear until cooked, cut into strips, mix with roasted sesame, roasted peanuts, herbs, and spices to make a salad to eat with rice.

Lesson 4: Support treatment of fever: Peel and wash 0.5kg cucumber, squeeze out the juice to make a refreshing drink, which helps lower body temperature.

Lesson 5: Support treatment of sore throat: 1 old cucumber, 20g of pepper. Remove all the seeds from the cucumber, add pepper, spread evenly; dry in the shade until dry. When using, cut into pieces to suck.

Lesson 6: Facial care: 200g cucumber, washed, chopped, 50g almond, washed, crushed. Mix the two ingredients, boil for 5 minutes, let cool, then use a thin cloth to filter the water, add 200ml of 90-degree alcohol and 1g of rose essential oil. Apply this solution on the face for about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Lesson 7: Treating wrinkles on the skin: Cut cucumber into thin slices, apply on wrinkled skin areas every day for about 15 minutes, in the evening before going to bed.

Lesson 8: Treating freckles: Slice cucumber thinly, soak in fresh cow’s milk for about 20 minutes, then apply the juice to the freckles, after 30 minutes rinse with warm water.

Lesson 9: Cooling down in hot weather, thirst: 200g fresh cucumber, eat raw 1-2 times a day. Or 200g old cucumber, peel, remove seeds, cut into pieces, add a little sugar and eat during the day.



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