Cucumber is one of the fruits commonly used in our country as food and medicine. There are also many folk remedies using cucumber to treat diseases and quench thirst.


Cucumber is one of the fruits commonly used in our country as food and medicine. There are also many folk remedies using cucumbers to treat diseases and quench thirst. On hot summer days, choosing and preparing a refreshing drink from cucumbers is extremely useful. This article would like to introduce some typical recipes for readers to refer to.

Wash 500g cucumber, slice, squeeze the juice, mix with 20ml of honey, drink during the day. It is especially good for children with acne, prickly heat, itching, and fever in the summer.

500g cucumber, 500g watermelon, peel and seed both, squeeze the juice, mix with 20ml of honey, divide into several drinks during the day. Use as a refreshing drink, treat edema and beautify the skin.

Cucumber juice is rich in vitamins, reduces fatigue, and beautifies the skin.

500g cucumber, 500g squash, peel and seed both, wash, slice and squeeze the juice, add a little salt, use as a refreshing drink during the day. This drink is especially good for overweight and obese people.

100g cucumber peel, 100g squash peel, wash both, boil with 500ml water for 30 minutes then remove the pulp to get the juice, add a little salt, drink during the day. Use especially good for people who often have edema.

300g cucumber, 200g apple (large apple imported from abroad), 100g lemon. Peel the cucumber and apple, leave the lemon peel, remove the seeds, slice everything and squeeze the juice, add a little salt, drink during the day. Use as a refreshing drink, especially for people with high blood pressure, kidney disease.

Cucumber, apple, carrot and grapefruit each 500g, honey and enough boiled water to cool. Peel the cucumber and apple, wash and slice the carrot, remove the grapefruit peel and seeds, squeeze all to get the juice, add boiled water to cool and enough honey, drink during the day. This drink is rich in vitamins, both quenches thirst and beautifies the skin.

Cucumber and grapefruit each 80g, tomato 100g, lemon juice 20ml. Peel and seed the cucumber and grapefruit, slice the tomato, squeeze all to get the juice, mix with lemon juice, drink during the day. Has the effect of quenching thirst, beautifying the skin and blackening the beard and hair.

Cucumber 300g, radish 100g, honey 15ml. Wash the cucumber and radish, slice, squeeze to get the juice, add honey, drink during the day. Has the effect of quenching thirst, especially good for people with urinary tract infections, kidney stones, ureteral stones and bladder stones.

250g cucumber, 200g fresh grapes, 150g banana, 15ml fresh lemon juice. Wash and slice cucumber, wash grapes, peel and slice banana, squeeze all to get juice, drink during the day. Use as a refreshing drink, especially good for people with kidney disease, anemia, fatigue, loss of appetite.

Modern research shows that 100g of fresh cucumber contains 96g water; 0.6g protein; 0.1g fat; 22g sugar; 12mg Ca; 0.3mg Fe; 15mg Mg; 24mg P; 45 international units of vitamin A; 0.03mg vitamin B1; 0.02mg vitamin B2; 0.3mg niacin, 12mg vitamin C. Because cucumber is cold, people with weak spleen and stomach, often have digestive disorders, diarrhea should not use it.



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