According to folk experience, male papaya flower is a commonly used medicine to treat coughs, especially in children.

The male papaya tree is a slightly green tree. The leaves grow alternately, have long petioles, each leaf blade is divided into 8-9 deep lobes, each lobe is further notched as if torn. The male inflorescence has many branches, has very long petioles. The part used to make medicine is mainly the flower. According to folk experience, the male papaya flower is a commonly used medicine to treat coughs, especially in children. When using male papaya flowers to treat diseases, you should choose flowers that have just bloomed right on the tree, usually used fresh.

Male papaya flower.

Some remedies from male papaya flowers:

Treat cough for children: 10-20g male papaya flowers (choose newly bloomed flowers) mixed with white sugar or honey, steam rice for 15-20 minutes, then take out and crush to use. Give children to drink 2-3 times a day with boiled water to cool. Drink for 3 days.

Treat cough accompanied by loss of voice: 15g male papaya flowers, 15g chives, 10g lemon seeds. Leave all fresh, crush and mix with 20ml, add a little honey or sugar, mix well, drink 3 times a day. Use for 3-5 days.

Treat cough due to sore throat: 15g male papaya flowers, 10g each of Ophiopogon japonicus, Xanthium, and lemon basil leaves. Put all in a small bowl, add a little salt, steam rice and crush. Hold in mouth 2-3 times a day, swallow the liquid gradually.


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