Papaya is the fruit that tops the list of fruits that are good for health because papaya is not only a nutritious food rich in vitamins, but also a good medicine that helps the body prevent many common diseases.

In oriental medicine, papaya is called Mộc qua, cold, sweet, heat-clearing, and spleen-tonifying. Papaya is good for health in any season. In spring and summer, eating papaya has the effect of clearing the heart and moistening the lungs, cooling the body, and detoxifying. In autumn and winter, eating papaya has the effect of moistening the intestines, warming the spleen and stomach, nourishing the liver, moistening the lungs, stopping coughs, and eliminating phlegm. According to research by experts, every 100g of papaya contains 74-80mg of vitamin C and 500-1,250 IU of carotene. Papaya also contains vitamins B1, B2, enzymes, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Eating papaya regularly has the effect of enriching the blood, helping to restore the liver in people with malaria. In particular, papaya is rich in vitamin C and carotene, so papaya has an antioxidant effect, increasing the body’s resistance. Because it contains many of the above ingredients, papaya is very useful in preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer, neutralizing substances harmful to the skin, preventing premature wrinkles, fighting toxins and keeping the skin healthy; increasing the body’s resistance and is one of the effective weapons against cholecystitis, which often occurs in women. Papaya is often eaten green as a vegetable (in salads and stews) and eaten ripe as a fruit. In addition to providing nutrition, green and ripe papaya also has good effects in treating diseases. Green papaya is used to prepare medicine to treat dislocated bones or injections to relieve pain caused by nerves. Ripe papaya is very soft, sweet, non-toxic, and benign, so it is suitable for the elderly, children and people in the recovery period. In addition, green papaya latex and seeds are boiled to make medicine against intestinal parasites such as worms, flukes, treat children’s bronchial asthma and stimulate liver and gallbladder function. Papaya root juice is used to treat frequent and painful urination…

Papaya is not only food but also good medicine.

Some remedies:

Treatment of pinworms: Eat ripe papaya in the morning when hungry, eat continuously for 3-5 days.

Sleeplessness, anxiety: 100g each of ripe papaya, banana, carrot; blend in young coconut water. Add honey to sweeten, drink every other day.

Heal skin ulcers: Mix ripe papaya juice with a little butter then apply on the ulcer. This method has the effect of tightening the surface and quickly healing the wound.

Treatment of cough due to lung deficiency: 100g green papaya, 20g rock sugar, stew and eat, eat twice a day at noon and evening, eat for 3-5 days.

Spleen and stomach weakness (indigestion, constipation): 30g green papaya, 15g yam, 6g hawthorn, wash all ingredients and cook porridge to eat during the day.

Milk production for nursing mothers: Stew a young papaya with a pig’s trotter, eat in daily meals.

Note: Pregnant women should not eat green papaya because it can easily cause miscarriage.


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