Star fruit with its unique sweet and sour taste is used by many families to prepare dishes. Not only that, star fruit also brings many health benefits. The following article will help you discover the benefits and how to use this fruit most effectively.

1. Overview of star fruit characteristics

The Chinese name of the star fruit tree is ngu lang tu, ngu liem tu. The Arab physician named Averroes discovered that the star fruit tree is a precious medicinal herb in the 12th century and from then on the scientific name of this tree was also named after him.

Star fruit is characterized by its star-shaped 5-pointed shape. Star fruit will gradually turn yellow when ripe. There are 2 types of star fruit: sour star fruit and sweet star fruit, sour star fruit is usually smaller in size.

Both the peel and flesh of the star fruit can be eaten. In particular, the slightly sour taste of star fruit is often combined with other foods to make many different dishes.

Star fruit contains vitamins and minerals that help increase resistance and fight oxidation.

2. Nutritional composition of star fruit

Star fruit contains: 3g fiber, 1g protein and minerals, vitamins that meet the body’s daily dietary needs according to RDI:

– 52% vitamin C.

– 4% vitamin B5.

– 3% folate.

– 6% copper.

– 3% potassium.

– 2% magnesium.

3. Uses and medicinal remedies from star fruit

3.1. Health benefits of star fruit

Star fruit is a food source rich in healthy plant compounds such as gallic acid, epicatechin, quercetin. These are all compounds with very strong antioxidant effects. Research conducted on mice shows that these are natural compounds that can reduce the risk of increased cholesterol and fatty liver. The amount of sugar from star fruit can also reduce inflammation in animals.

According to Mr. Averroes – the person who discovered the medicinal effects of star fruit, parts of this plant can treat coughs, sore throats, inflammation of the salivary glands, sweating, itching, joint pain, edema, fatigue, etc.

Traditional medicine believes that star fruit is neutral, sweet and sour in taste, and when ripe, it has a warm nature that helps quench thirst, produce body fluids, treat wind heat, diuretic, and detoxify. Other parts of the star fruit tree can also be used as medicinal herbs, especially star fruit leaves which are very good for treating itchy skin.

Drinking star fruit juice not only helps cool the body but also cures coughs.

3.2. Remedies from star fruit

– Treat contact allergies

Wash the star fruit, then cut it into small pieces, crush it and rub it on the damaged skin area.

– Disinfect ulcers

Take a sufficient amount of star fruit and boil it to get the water to wash the wound.

– Treat foot rot

Roast the star fruit until cooked and apply it directly to the skin area affected by foot rot.

– Treat urinary retention

Take 1/3 of the part near the stem of 7 sour star fruits and boil it with 600ml of water until there is about 300ml of water left, then strain and drink while the water is still warm. This remedy is combined with the remedy of crushing 1 garlic bulb and 1 star fruit and applying it to the navel for best results.

– Reduce fever, treat flu

Roast 3 star fruits until cooked, then put them in a cloth bag, squeeze out the juice, add 50ml of alcohol to drink.

– Detoxification for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Wash the star fruit and wrap it in a clean cloth bag, squeeze out the juice, add sugar, boil it, then add a few slices of apple, grapes, orange segments, sliced ​​bananas, continue to boil until the mixture is cooked and thick, then scoop it out to eat.

– First aid for people with Strychnos nux-vomica poisoning

Wash the star fruit and then squeeze out the juice to drink slowly. You should drink a lot of star fruit juice to increase the detoxification effect. Strychnos nux-vomica poisoning can cause death due to convulsions, so after this first aid step, take the patient to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible.

– Treat sore throat, cough

Squeeze the juice of 1-2 fresh star fruits, not damaged or crushed, to drink within 3-5 days.

– Purify the lungs, cure bones and joints

Take a sufficient amount of rock sugar in the ratio of 2kg star fruit: 200g sugar, add water and boil until the sugar dissolves. Wash the star fruit, split it lengthwise and put it in a clean glass jar, layer the star fruit with a layer of sugar water, and finally add a few slices of ginger on top.

4. Some harmful effects of star fruit that need to be noted

The oxalate content in star fruit is relatively high, so it can cause side effects such as convulsions, confusion, etc. Be especially careful when using it for people with kidney disease to avoid further damage to the kidneys. Before using star fruit to treat diseases, consult your doctor for instructions on proper use.

People who are taking medication should also be careful with star fruit. This fruit can affect the use and decomposition of drugs. Therefore, you should inform your doctor about the type of medication you are taking when using star fruit for adjustment.

5. How to use star fruit

Eat fresh

Star fruit can be eaten fresh, just wash and cut into slices. Sour star fruit can be dipped in sugar or a little salt to soften the taste, sweet star fruit can be eaten directly.

– Juice

Star fruit juice is a great thirst-quenching drink, especially on hot days. Just squeeze the star fruit and add a little sugar or honey to increase the sweetness.

– Cooking

Star fruit can be used in many different dishes: sour soup, salad, stir-fry, … The slightly sour taste of star fruit helps to add richness to the dish.

– Make jam

Star fruit can also be processed into jam, a delicious snack that can be preserved for a long time. Star fruit jam has a sweet and sour taste, suitable for eating with bread or used in desserts.

Star fruit is a rich source of nutrients, a good medicine for health. Knowing how to use this fruit, you will maximize the benefits of star fruit to include in your family’s healthy diet.


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