Everyone knows that vitamins are essential for the body and have numerous benefits. But did you know that different vitamins hold secrets that, if understood, can help you take better care of your health?

1) Some Vitamins Should Be Taken Daily

Certain vitamins need to be supplemented daily, including vitamin C and B vitamins, which are water-soluble. This group of vitamins is not stored in the body for long and is excreted through urine and sweat. Therefore, we must replenish these vitamins daily. Even if the body receives excess amounts, surplus vitamins are expelled without causing toxicity.

2) A.C.E. and Selenium Are Superior Antioxidants

Vitamins A, C, E, and the mineral selenium are a group of vitamins with superior antioxidant properties compared to any other vitamins. They are abundant in fruits like plums, grapes, berries, guavas, and oranges, as well as in vegetables like broccoli and spinach. To achieve the best results, consume these as fresh fruits and vegetables. If you eat few fruits and vegetables, supplements may be a second option.

3) Beta-Carotene Is Beneficial in Both Food and Supplement Form

If you want to consume beta-carotene for health maintenance and to prevent degeneration, it is best to eat it in food form. Most beta-carotene is found in orange or yellow fruits and vegetables. However, if you wish to use it to treat an existing degenerative condition, you can opt for supplements, but it’s best to do so under a doctor’s guidance.

4) Raw Egg Whites Destroy Vitamin B7

Raw egg whites contain substances that affect biotin (vitamin B7) absorption in the intestines and hinder the body from utilizing it. Consuming large amounts of raw egg whites over an extended period, such as two or more eggs daily for several months, can lead to biotin deficiency. This is because egg whites contain compounds that destroy biotin.

5) Vitamin C Is Not Just for Preventing Colds

Vitamin C is essential for daily life as it helps combat stress, provides freshness and energy, and is crucial for collagen production, which helps reduce wrinkles. It also plays a role in reducing complications related to diabetes.

6) Vitamin D Is Truly Beneficial

Many people may not know that vitamin D enhances calcium absorption in bones and teeth and stimulates the function of tissues in the body. It helps lower blood sugar levels, combats colorectal, prostate, lung, and breast cancers, and alleviates symptoms of depression and chronic muscle pain.

7) Vitamin E Is Not Just for Your Skin

Vitamin E is well-known for its skin benefits for women, but it is equally important for men. It helps address issues related to incomplete reproductive systems and increases fertility chances for those facing infertility. It also reduces the risk of heart disease.

8) Vitamin B5 Fights Acne

One reason individuals may suffer from acne is due to a lack of Coenzyme A, an enzyme that uses vitamin B5 for production, which causes the body to improperly burn fat. This leads to excess fat being expelled through various parts of the skin, resulting in clogged pores and ultimately acne. Adequate vitamin B5 levels will ensure normal fat-burning processes, preventing excessive oil production that contributes to acne.

9) Take Vitamins During and After Meals

The best time to take vitamins is during and after meals for optimal absorption. For the best results, complex B vitamins and vitamin C should be taken at breakfast, lunch, and dinner to maintain high levels throughout the day. Vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are fat-soluble, should be consumed with meals containing fat. If you must take vitamins during a meal, choose the largest meal of the day or split it, taking half after breakfast and half after dinner.

10) Vitamins Shouldn’t Smell Bad

Many people assume their vitamins are spoiled if they smell strong. However, this odor indicates that they may be degrading. This can occur due to improper storage, such as exposure to sunlight or high temperatures. Consuming them is not dangerous, but their effectiveness may be diminished. Additionally, vitamins with slight cracks in the tablet retain their quality and can be taken as usual, as this is often due to a poor coating of the tablet.

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