Vitamin A deficiency is a condition in which there is a lack of vitamin A in the body, which can be caused by an unbalanced diet, digestive problems or infections. Vitamin A deficiency can cause many health complications, especially in the eyes, skin and immune system. In this article, we will learn about the causes, symptoms and prevention of vitamin A deficiency.

1  Causes eye problems

One of the most common symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is eye problems. This is because vitamin A helps make a substance called rhodopsin, which helps the eyes detect light. When vitamin A is deficient, rhodopsin is not produced enough, leading to the following problems:

Night blindness

Night blindness is a condition in which vision is impaired in low light conditions, such as at dusk or at night. People with night blindness often have difficulty distinguishing colors and details in the dark. Night blindness can be treated with vitamin A supplements.

Night blindness is one of the typical diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency.

Dry Eyes

A lack of vitamin A causes xerophthalmia – a loss of moisture in the lining of the eye, causing discomfort, burning and itching. Dry eyes can lead to serious complications such as corneal ulcers, scarring and blindness.

Dry eyes due to vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness

2 Prone to skin problems

Vitamin A also plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A helps stimulate skin cell regeneration, reduce inflammation and prevent aging. When vitamin A is deficient, the skin may experience the following problems:

Skin diseases

A lack of vitamin A weakens the immune system, making the body susceptible to infections and skin inflammation. Some skin diseases that can be caused or aggravated by vitamin A deficiency are: eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and skin fungus.

Vitamin A deficiency may increase the risk of skin diseases


Acne is an inflammation of the pores caused by a buildup of oil and dirt. Vitamin A deficiency prevents the skin from renewing itself properly, leading to clogged pores and inflammation. Vitamin A supplementation can help reduce acne by controlling oil production, unclogging pores, reducing inflammation, and stimulating skin renewal.

Vitamin A deficiency causes red acne spots, making many people lose confidence in communication.

3 Slows Wound Healing

Vitamin A also plays a role in wound healing. Vitamin A helps activate immune cells, strengthen blood vessels, and create collagen, a protein that binds tissues. When vitamin A is deficient, wound healing slows down, making wounds more susceptible to infection and scarring.

Vitamin A deficiency can slow the healing of skin wounds after injury.

4 Effects on fertility

Vitamin A also affects fertility in both men and women. In men, vitamin A helps maintain sperm quality and quantity. In women, vitamin A helps maintain embryonic development and uterine normality.

A lack of vitamin A impairs reproductive function, which can cause infertility, miscarriage, etc.

Vitamin A deficiency can affect fertility in both men and women

5 Slow Growth and Development in Children

Vitamin A plays an important role in the growth and development of children. Vitamin A helps support the immune system, nervous system, skeletal system and endocrine system. When lacking vitamin A, children may experience the following problems:[3]

Slow growth and weight gain.
Vulnerable to infections such as pneumonia, diarrhea, measles and ear, nose and throat diseases.
Vulnerable to malnutrition and anemia.
Vulnerable to learning, cognitive and psychological disorders.

Children with vitamin A deficiency may develop slowly and have growth problems.

6 The body is susceptible to infection

Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from harmful free radicals and plays an important role in the immune system. In addition, the mucosa is a barrier that prevents bacteria, viruses and fungi from entering the body. When vitamin A is deficient, the mucosa is weakened, making the body susceptible to infection.

Vitamin A deficiency makes the immune system weaker, making the body more susceptible to infections.

7 Ways to Prevent and Fight Vitamin A Deficiency

Ensure Adequate Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet is an important way to provide enough vitamin A for the body. You should eat a variety of foods that are rich in vitamin A or can be converted into vitamin A. Some foods you can choose from are:[3]

Animal products such as liver, egg yolks, milk. These products contain retinol, the active form of vitamin A, which can be absorbed directly by the body.
Orange-yellow fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, watermelons and bitter melon. These fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids, a precursor form of vitamin A, which can be converted into retinol when needed.
Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, amaranth and spinach. These green vegetables also contain carotenoids.

Pay attention to foods rich in vitamin A

The best way to supplement vitamin A is to eat a variety of foods rich in vitamin A, including both animal and plant products. Foods rich in vitamin A can be divided into two main groups:

Retinoids: These are converted forms of vitamin A, available in animal products such as liver, fish liver oil, egg yolks, milk and dairy products. This group is highly absorbable and has a rapid effect in the body.
Carotenoids: These are pre-vitamin A forms, found in colorful fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, green vegetables, kale, spinach, watermelon, mango and oranges. These need to be converted into retinoids in the body before they are effective.

Increase your intake of vitamin A

Another way to prevent vitamin A deficiency is to increase your intake of vitamin A. You can do this by:

Using spices rich in vitamin A such as turmeric, chili and ginger to season your dishes.
Adding a little fish oil or cod liver oil to soups or stir-fries. Fish oil or cod liver oil are natural and effective sources of vitamin A.
Use flours rich in vitamin A such as wheat flour or rice flour to make cakes or sticky rice. You can buy these flours pre-mixed with vitamin A or mix them yourself according to the recommended ratio.
Use milk or yogurt that has been fortified with vitamin A for drinks or desserts. You can check the labels of these products to see how much vitamin A is added.

Preventive vitamin A supplementation

Another way to prevent vitamin A deficiency is to take preventive vitamin A supplements. You can do this by:

Taking vitamin A tablets or syrups as prescribed by your doctor or health care provider. You should follow the dosage and duration of use to avoid overdose or vitamin A deficiency.
Participate in free vitamin A supplementation programs organized by health agencies or charities. You can contact your nearest health facility for more information about these programs.

For children

Children are most susceptible to vitamin A deficiency, because their vitamin A needs are higher than adults, while their ability to absorb and store vitamin A is lower. Therefore, you should pay attention to providing enough vitamin A for children by:

Feeding children with foods rich in vitamin A or that can be converted into vitamin A, as mentioned above. You should feed your child at least one orange or green vegetable every day.
Feed your child with breast milk or formula that has been supplemented with vitamin A. Breast milk is the best source of vitamin A for infants and young children. If you do not breastfeed, you should choose formula that contains vitamin A.
Give your child a preventive vitamin A supplement according to the schedule recommended by the Ministry of Health. Accordingly, you should give your child a preventive dose of vitamin A in June and December every year, from when the child is 6 months old until the child is 5 years old.

For pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant and lactating women are also susceptible to vitamin A deficiency, due to the increased demand for fetal nourishment. Therefore, you should pay attention to providing vitamin A for pregnant and lactating women by eating enough foods rich in vitamin A


Vitamin A deficiency is a serious health problem that can affect your quality of life. To prevent vitamin A deficiency, you should eat a varied diet, supplementing foods rich in vitamin A such as liver, eggs, milk, green vegetables and orange fruits. In addition, you should also have regular health check-ups and treat related diseases.


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