According to the Institute for Research and Development of Traditional Medicine, guava is a sweet, aromatic fruit that contains many nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, fiber and antioxidants.

Guava is a fruit with a dark green skin and inside there are yellow-white seeds surrounded by a layer of opaque white or pink flesh. Guava has a sweet, aromatic taste and contains many nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, fiber and antioxidants.

In particular, guava is a popular fruit in many parts of the world and is eaten fresh, made into juice or processed into many different dishes.

Here are the benefits of guava that you should know:

Guava is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, fiber and antioxidants.

Boosts Immunity

Guava is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost your body’s immunity and fight infections and pathogens. Vitamin C also acts as a natural antihistamine, reducing the amount of histamine released during inflammation, helping to control respiratory allergies…

In addition, guava also contains anti-inflammatory substances and other antioxidants such as polyphenols, beta-carotene and vitamin E, which help to strengthen the body’s ability to fight harmful agents in the environment. Therefore, eating guava regularly can help strengthen the body’s immune system.

Good for the brain

You can take advantage of some vitamins such as vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 found in guava, which help improve blood circulation to the brain and relax the nerves, which is very good for your brain.

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, helps to increase blood circulation and provide energy to the brain. It also helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient for the production of serotonin and norepinephrine, two important neurotransmitters in the process of regulating mood and reducing stress. It also helps form blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain.

Therefore, consuming guava can provide vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 to the body, helping to improve blood circulation to the brain.

Improve hormones

Copper is an important mineral for hormone production and absorption, and guava contains copper to help you improve hormones and help your thyroid function better.

Hormones are an important part of the body’s regulatory system, helping to maintain balance and regulate many important functions in the body.

When your thyroid is functioning properly, it helps your body produce and release essential hormones, including growth hormone, immune-boosting hormones, sex hormones, and many others.

Cancer Prevention Support

Vitamin C, lycopene and other polyphenols found in guava are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and the growth of cancer cells.

According to studies, natural antioxidants found in guava such as vitamin C, lycopene and polyphenols have the ability to fight free radicals that damage cells in the body. These free radicals can cause cell damage and lead to the development of cancer.

These antioxidants can help prevent and stop the growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer, colorectal cancer and liver cancer.

Therefore, adding guava to your daily diet can be a simple and effective way to reduce the risk of cancer.

Helps control blood sugar

Guava is high in fiber, which helps control blood sugar and has a low glycemic index, making it a great choice for people with diabetes.

The amount of fiber in guava helps limit the rate of sugar absorption in the intestines, thereby reducing high blood sugar levels. Moreover, fiber also helps increase the saturation of food, creating a feeling of fullness for longer, thereby preventing hunger and helping to control the amount of food consumed.

These benefits are especially important for people with diabetes, because they need to keep their blood sugar levels stable to avoid dangerous complications of the disease.

In addition, guava has a low glycemic index, which means it will not increase your blood sugar levels too quickly and suddenly. People with diabetes need to pay attention to the glycemic index of foods to control their blood sugar

Helps keep skin healthy

Keep your skin healthy by eating guava. The antioxidants in guava will protect your skin from the formation of wrinkles and prolong the process.

Guava is rich in antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin C and carotenoids, all of which are very beneficial for the skin. They help eliminate free radicals and prevent the formation of new free radicals, making the skin healthier and fighting the aging process.

In addition, vitamin C also helps increase the production of collagen, an important protein for the skin, making the skin softer and more elastic. In addition, guava contains other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc and iron, which are also essential for health and beautiful skin.

Support constipation treatment

To help treat constipation, you need to ensure that you provide enough fiber for your body. Eating guava every day will help you achieve this. Guava is rich in fiber, which helps improve digestive health and promotes healthy bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation.

Soluble fiber is absorbed and converted into fat in the small intestine, helping to reduce blood cholesterol and keep the digestive system healthy. Insoluble fiber helps retain water in the intestines and create bulk for stool, helping to relieve constipation and expel waste from the body.

In addition, guava also contains a lot of water and has the ability to soothe the intestinal mucosa, helping to reduce pain and discomfort when constipated. When eating guava, you should eat both the skin and seeds to take full advantage of the nutritional benefits of guava.

Good for the eyes

Improve eyesight by eating guava. Guava contains vitamin A, which helps improve eyesight and prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.

Vitamin A is known to be an essential vitamin for the eyes. At the same time, vitamin A has the effect of protecting and maintaining the health of eye cells, helping them function better.

If there is a lack of vitamin A, the eyes will lose the ability to see in the dark and may have vision-related problems. In addition, vitamin A also helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, common problems associated with aging.

Good for pregnant women

If you are pregnant, eat guava to supplement folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the fetus’ nervous system. This also helps protect newborns from neurological defects.

Guava is a natural source of folic acid, a B vitamin that is important in helping the development of the fetus’ nervous system. Folic acid is also known to be a very necessary nutrient in the reproductive process of women.

A study has shown that adding folic acid to the daily diet will reduce the risk of giving birth to a child with a neural tube defect in the newborn.

Helps relax the nerves

Guava is a rich source of magnesium, an important nutrient that helps reduce stress and provides energy to the body.

Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for the functioning of nerve cells, helping to improve nerve function and relax the mind.

Research shows that when the body lacks magnesium, the body will be prone to fatigue, stress, difficulty sleeping and anxiety. Therefore, supplementing magnesium from guava will help improve this condition and help you relax better.

In addition, other nutrients in guava such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, polyphenols also help reduce headaches, reduce stress and improve mental health.

Support for coughs and colds

Use guava juice to help relieve cough and cold symptoms. Guava has a much higher vitamin C and iron content than other fruits. Guava juice helps remove mucus and is good for the respiratory tract…

In addition to vitamin C and iron, guava also contains natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds, which help support the body’s immune system against respiratory diseases.

At the same time, guava juice also helps reduce inflammation and stimulate blood circulation, helping the body recover quickly when dealing with colds and coughs.


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