Raspberry plants are widely used in Oriental medicine to treat some diseases of the liver, heart, blood sugar, infertility and bone and joint diseases. Read the article below to learn more about the medicinal effects of raspberries.

1. Description of the raspberry plant

The raspberry plant is a slow-growing species of Rubus that produces edible fruits. Botanically, it is called Rubus chamaemorus, derived from the Greek chamai and morus, meaning dwarf, and mulberry. It belongs to the rose family and is a close relative of raspberries, strawberries, apples, and cherries. It is grown in alpine, arctic, or woodland environments in the Northern Hemisphere. It is common in Northern Europe, Russia, and Scandinavia. It is a perennial and grows low in open tundra or marshes.

The unripe berries are sour, red, and firm. They have a delicious flavor and are used to prevent rickets in children under 1 year old.

Raspberries are widely used in Oriental medicine to treat a number of liver, cardiovascular, metabolic, and blood sugar diseases. In addition, there is a raspberry remedy for infertility and bone and joint diseases. Almost all parts of the tree can be used, such as the fruit for eating and the branches and leaves for medicine.

2. Important chemical components in raspberries

According to scientific researchers, raspberries are rich in nutrients with citric acid, ellagic acid, malic, salicylic, tannin, pectin, fructose… and other organic acids. In addition, raspberries also contain a series of nutrients such as flavonoids, vitamins C, K, E; fiber; folic acid; omega-3 and minerals (Mn, Cu, Mg, Zn…) which are very good for health.

In addition, raspberries contain many healthy chemical components such as ellagic acid which has effective antioxidant properties, protects cell membranes and body structures by neutralizing free radicals.

Berries contain malic acid, citric acid, anthocyanins, anthocyanins, α-tocopherol, β-carotene and provitamin A carotenoids. It also possesses sanguiin H-6 and ellagitannins lambertianin C.

Raspberry plant is widely used in Oriental medicine.

3. Pharmacological effects of raspberries

According to modern pharmacological research, the ellagic acid component in raspberries will have twice the anti-aging effect of strawberries, three times that of kiwis and up to 10 times that of tomatoes. Vitamin C and anthocyanin combined can help increase antioxidant capacity, prevent cancer, and eliminate free radicals that change cell DNA. In addition, vitamin C and flavonoids also have very strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

According to Traditional Medicine, raspberries have the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, preserving vital energy and strengthening yang. The leaves have the effect of activating blood circulation, clearing heat, dispersing blood stasis and reducing inflammation.

4. What are the effects of raspberries?

Raspberries have many valuable effects in Traditional Medicine such as:

Raspberries help lose weight, prevent obesity, and treat bones and joints: The fruit of the raspberry contains Raspberry, which can promote the process of burning fat, thereby metabolizing lipids, preventing obesity and enhancing weight loss. At the same time, raspberries treat bones and joints with the main effect of reducing pain.
Raspberries limit myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis: Raspberries contain ellagic acid, which can help eliminate bad cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, limit myocardial infarction, and prevent atherosclerosis.
Raspberries improve fertility: Raspberries are rich in vitamin C and magnesium, which helps improve reproductive function in both sexes, which is very good for all ages.
Raspberries help control blood sugar: For those with diabetes, using raspberries will help increase the production of adiponectin, which helps control blood sugar.
Raspberries treat liver damage: When talking about damaged liver cells that need to be repaired, raspberries will be used.
Anti-aging and cancer prevention: Raspberries and raspberries reduce the impact of free radicals on the body, helping to fight aging and maintain youthful beauty. Vitamin C “cuts off” the reproductive pathway of cancer cells, while flavonoids are very effective in fighting inflammation and antibacterials.
Raspberries are good for eyesight: Regular use of raspberries will help improve and protect the eye membrane, keeping eyesight healthy.
Raspberries help strengthen the immune system: Raspberries contain twice as much fiber as other foods, it is estimated that 200g of raspberries contain nearly 8g of fiber.
Raspberries are good for the brain: Using raspberries more often will help your brain improve memory, enhance better reflexes, and stimulate creativity every day.
Raspberries have the effect of nourishing the kidneys, strengthening yang, and enhancing physiology: For those with kidney failure, impotence, weak sperm and want to improve their sex life, raspberries are indispensable.

Raspberry plant has many valuable effects in Traditional Medicine

5. Some other effects and notes when using raspberry

Traditional effects of raspberry:

The leaves are used to prepare herbal tea;
In medicine, Scandinavian herbs are used to treat urinary tract infections;
The fruit is said to be able to treat vitamin C deficiency;
Due to its rich content of Vitamin C and A, it helps maintain the immune system;
It fights free radicals in your body, slows down the aging process and prevents damage to the eyes and skin;
Promotes blood circulation as well as red blood cell production, eliminates toxins;
It helps relieve cramps, constipation, bloating and digestive conditions;
The root decoction is used for infertile women to stabilize pregnancy;
The roots are also used to treat fever and cough;
Used to prevent osteoporosis.

Note when using raspberry:

People who are allergic should not use it;
If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using it and consult a doctor immediately.
The above is information about raspberry, if you want to apply remedies from this medicinal herb, you should consult your doctor before using it.


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