Usually people only pay attention to ripe bananas, while green bananas are rarely mentioned. It is not only a delicious food but also a precious medicine, rich in nutrients that are beneficial to health.

Compared to ripe bananas, green bananas contain less sugar but are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. They can be eaten raw (green) or processed such as cooked or made into dishes according to individual preferences.

On average, 100g of green bananas contain the following ingredients: water 74.91g, energy 89 kcal, protein 1.09g, total lipid (fat) 0.33g, 22.84g carbohydrates, total fiber 2.6g, total sugar 12.23g, calcium 5mg, iron 0.26mg, magnesium 27mg, phosphorus 22mg, potassium 358mg, sodium 1mg, zinc 0.15mg, vitamin C 8.7mg, thiamine 0.031mg and dozens of other vitamins and nutrients… The health benefits of green bananas are very diverse, focusing on:

Rich in RS2 starch: on average, a peeled green banana contains 4.7g of resistant starch called RS2. It can be understood that this is a group of starchy foods that are difficult to hydrolyze in the small intestine and go down to the large intestine to act as fiber, affecting the probiotic system (the area of ​​neutral bacteria living in the large intestine), so it is beneficial for health, especially for diabetes, and for people on a diet, reducing blood cholesterol, limiting cardiovascular disease and improving immune health, preventing digestive system cancer. Because it is rich in RS2 powder, green bananas do not increase blood fat, help increase insulin sensitivity and are beneficial for people with diabetes. According to animal studies, green banana powder is a food that has the effect of improving the glycemic index (GI) of food. If the mother eats a lot of this food group during pregnancy, it will be beneficial for both mother and child. According to recommendations, 20g of RS2 powder should be used every day, on average 0.45kg of green banana powder contains 175g of RS2.

Because it is rich in RS2 powder, green bananas do not increase blood fat and help increase insulin sensitivity.

Full for a long time: people who regularly eat green bananas often feel full for a long time, do not feel hungry, so it is very effective in losing weight.

Reduces symptoms of diarrhea: In particular, green banana starch is a mild laxative, supporting the maintenance and regulation of the body’s general health. Promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines, reducing intestinal diseases including bloating and flatulence.

Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory:
Green banana starch has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to prevent colon cancer (colorectal cancer), limiting ulcerative colitis.

Through animal studies, it has been shown that green banana starch helps maintain eye health, increasing vision in humans. Two groups of elderly animals were fed with starch with a high glycemic index combined with RS2 starch. As a result, overall health was improved, and body coordination increased significantly.

Green banana starch, when used in reasonable amounts, will increase short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), which nourish the cells lining the small intestine. Promote the body’s absorption of minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. Help the body absorb calories slowly, thereby helping to lose weight, reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fat), reduce gallstones and kidney stones.

Rich in potassium: green bananas are a food source rich in potassium and minerals. Potassium helps maintain and “stabilize” blood pressure, keeping the kidneys healthy because high blood pressure can directly affect kidney function, the culprit leading to heart attacks and strokes. Although potassium cannot prevent or reverse heart disease, it is essential for heart function. In addition, it also plays an important role in muscle and nerve function and maintains a stable heart rate.

Rich in vitamin B6: vitamin B6 plays an important role in the synthesis of protein from amino acid sources. Protein is essential for muscles and general health, green bananas are considered a potential source of vitamin B6 for the human body. In addition to supporting muscle development, vitamin B6 increases metabolism and supports the body’s hemoglobin production.

Rich in vitamin C: this is an antioxidant vitamin that is very rich in green banana powder, it helps the body eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals, helps strengthen the functions of the immune system, protects the body from the risk of infectious diseases, including cancer.



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