What to eat for good hair is a question that receives a lot of attention from readers, especially women. Below is a summary of 14 foods to eat to improve the strength and natural shine of hair that women should not ignore.

If you want strong hair, eat eggs

One of the foods that is very good for hair that you should not ignore is eggs. The high protein and biotin content in eggs helps promote hair growth, thereby making hair stronger and shinier. What to eat for good hair? When you regularly eat eggs, you will receive great benefits such as:

  • Eggs supplement the necessary protein to help hair follicles grow healthily, minimizing hair loss due to protein deficiency.
  • Biotin in eggs is an important factor to stimulate keratin production to support healthy hair, naturally shiny and grow longer and thicker.


What to eat for good hair? Berries are very good food for hair because of their ability to provide abundant vitamins that stimulate hair growth. The most prominent of which is vitamin C with strong antioxidant properties, protecting hair follicle cells to be healthier and against the effects of free radicals.

Accordingly, each cup of berries (about 144g) can provide up to 141% of the daily vitamin C needs of adults. This abundant amount of vitamin C is the main factor that promotes collagen production, helping to effectively reduce hair breakage and make hair softer and smoother.

What to eat for good hair? You should add berries to your diet for shiny, smooth hair.


Answering the question of what foods are good for hair, nutritionists say that for naturally strong and shiny hair, you should add spinach to your daily diet because this is a healthy vegetable with extremely abundant folate, iron, vitamins A and C. All of these nutritional components of spinach will help promote healthy and even hair growth. Adding spinach to your meals will help the sebaceous glands in the scalp function stably, keeping the scalp sufficiently moisturized and hair shiny and healthy.

What foods are good for hair? Fatty fish

When it comes to foods that are good for hair, you should not ignore fatty fish, typically salmon, herring, mackerel, etc. These types of fish are full of nutrients that support longer and thicker hair growth in a short time.

Not only that, this is also an extremely abundant source of omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce hair loss, increase hair density and the softness and shine of hair. A study has shown that fatty fish can significantly reduce hair loss, enhance hair follicle growth, effectively treat thinning hair, weak hair roots, etc.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a familiar food and in addition to being good for health, they also have many great benefits for hair. When asked what foods are good for hair, many experts said that the abundant beta-carotene content in sweet potatoes is very good for hair, strengthening hair follicles and effectively improving hair strength.

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene which is beneficial for hair follicle growth.


Avocado is not only a delicious and nutritious food but also a rich source of natural fatty acids for the skin and hair. The high vitamin E content found in avocados has been shown to promote hair growth, making hair stronger and shinier.

Each average avocado can provide up to 21% of the daily vitamin E requirement of adults. A large-scale survey showed that people who regularly eat avocados have faster hair regrowth, healthier hair and less hair loss.

Nuts are good for hair

Nuts in general are delicious, attractive and contain many nutrients that are good for hair, especially hair follicles. If you are wondering what to eat for good hair, you should not ignore nuts in your daily diet.

Every 28g of almonds can provide up to 37% of the body’s vitamin E requirement, supporting healthy hair follicles and hair growth faster, thicker and longer. Adding nuts to your diet also helps reduce hair loss – a problem that makes many women self-conscious.

What is good for hair? Eat oysters

Oysters are a food that provides a lot of zinc and minerals necessary for the body. In particular, the abundant amount of zinc in oysters has the effect of supporting the repair and growth cycle of hair, thereby making hair stronger and significantly reducing hair loss. Therefore, if you do not know what is good for hair, maintain eating oysters 2-3 times a week.

Zinc minerals in oysters help reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth


Nuts are capable of providing a large amount of nutrients needed for the body in general and hair follicles in particular, especially high levels of vitamin E, zinc and selenium. 28g of sunflower seeds can meet up to 50% of the body’s vitamin E needs, in addition, the amount of vitamin B is also very beneficial for your hair.

Sweet peppers

Sweet peppers are considered one of the top foods rich in vitamin C, bringing many benefits to hair growth. In fact, each yellow bell pepper can provide 5.5 times more vitamin C than an orange. When regularly eating sweet peppers, you fully meet the vitamin C needed for the body, supporting stronger hair follicles, stimulating thick and long hair growth.


Experts when sharing about what foods are good for hair all agree that shrimp is rich in nutrients and helps hair become stronger. This food contains a lot of protein, vitamin B, zinc, iron, vitamin D which are beneficial for the formation and development of hair fibers. In addition to the ability to help hair become shiny and healthy, shrimp also stimulates better hair growth, effectively improves hair loss, baldness at a young age, etc.


If you do not know what to eat that is good for your hair, you should add beans to your diet. This food group provides a lot of protein for the body, has the ability to promote healthy hair follicles and restore hair more effectively. You can use beans to cook soup, sweet soup, stew, cook with rice to eat every day, etc. to increase beans in your meals.

Beans are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals that nourish healthy hair and stimulate hair growth.


Studies show that soybeans are very good for hair growth, both in terms of thickness and length. Accordingly, the protein, zinc and vitamin content in soybeans promote faster hair growth, in addition to improving the condition of tangles and breakage in permed and dyed hair.

Red meats

Red meat is a very popular food in the diet of many people because of its high nutritional content. Not stopping there, red meat is also proven to have many benefits for hair when it contains a lot of protein – an indispensable ingredient to stimulate keratin production to help hair become strong and naturally shiny.

The above are 14 foods that are good for hair, hopefully helping you answer the question of what foods are good for hair. In addition to paying attention to your diet, you should also adjust your lifestyle to be healthy and scientific, such as going to bed early, limiting stress, … to avoid hair loss, thinning hair and lack of confidence.



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