Facial hair is a natural feature of the body, but many women feel insecure because of thick facial hair. So how to remove facial hair? Let’s learn about ways to remove facial hair at home through the article below.
Facial hair removal is one of the common beauty needs of many women, especially when facial hair is too thick. Currently, there are many different hair removal methods and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s learn about effective ways to remove facial hair at home through the following article.
What is facial hair removal? Should I remove facial hair?
Facial hair removal is a method of removing hair on the face through different methods such as using a razor, hair removal strips, hair removal cream, etc. Most of these methods only affect the hair, not the hair follicles. Therefore, after a period of hair removal, the hair will grow back quickly, can be thicker and harder, even causing skin irritation, red rash. So should you wax your face?
Whether or not you should wax your face depends on the condition of your hair. Normally, you should not wax your face because facial hair has the function of protecting the skin from external factors such as dust, sunlight, etc. At the same time, it also helps control oil and regulate the temperature of the face, so if the hair is only sparse and the color is not significant, then waxing your face is not really necessary.
However, if you have thick, black, and stiff hair growing in places that make you feel self-conscious, then waxing your face is extremely important.
Benefits of waxing your face
Smoother skin
The mustache area is often the place where many stiff, dark hairs are concentrated, causing loss of aesthetics and difficulty in applying makeup. Waxing your mustache will help your skin become brighter and smoother, and your skin will absorb nutrients from skincare products such as skin care serums, skin creams, and moisturizers faster.
Facial hair removal will help your skin become smoother
Enhance facial cleansing
Dense facial hair will hinder effective facial cleansing, creating conditions for dirt and bacteria to penetrate the pores. This not only causes acne and inflammation, but also makes the skin dull and less fresh. Facial hair removal will help the skin to breathe, making it easier to clean, thereby significantly improving the skin condition.
Reduce folliculitis
Folliculitis is a common condition that occurs when hair grows back into the skin, causing irritation and inflammation. The most obvious manifestation of folliculitis is red bumps, itching, and even pustules.
When removing facial hair, the hair follicles are destroyed, the hair no longer has a chance to grow back into the skin, thereby significantly reducing the risk of infection. Thanks to that, the facial skin will become smoother, healthier and reduce acne problems, especially for those with sensitive skin.
How to effectively remove facial hair at home
Shaving facial hair
Using a razor is the simplest, fastest and most commonly used method to remove facial hair. To shave facial hair, you can use a regular razor, or a razor specifically designed for shaving facial hair, or a shaver to help shave facial hair smoothly.
However, the results of this method are often not long-lasting, facial hair can only be removed temporarily. About 1 – 3 days after shaving, facial hair will start to grow back and you will have to shave again.
Shaving your face is an effective and extremely simple way to remove facial hair at home.
Facial hair removal
Plucking is a method of hair removal using specialized tweezers that is applied in cases where there are only a few thick, dark hairs on the face. This method can be applied to all types of facial hair, most commonly to remove hair on the eyebrows.
Facial hair removal is similar to the method of using a razor, the hair on the face is only temporarily removed, however, the hair regrowth time of this method is longer, estimated at about 3 – 8 weeks.
Hair removal cream
Hair removal cream is a painless option to remove unwanted facial hair. Most creams contain chemicals that can break down the structure of the keratin protein in the hair, thereby breaking the hair where the cream is applied. To remove facial hair, you just need to apply the cream to your face for a few minutes, then wipe the cream off the skin.
Currently, the market offers many products with a variety of types such as cream, lotion or gel. You should buy a type specifically designed for the face to avoid irritation or damage to the skin.
In general, the chemicals in hair removal creams are safe, but sometimes they can cause irritation. Therefore, before using, test a small amount on a small area of skin to make sure your skin does not react.
Facial waxing
Facial waxing is a way to remove a large amount of hair at the root at once with hot or cold wax. However, this method can cause pain, skin irritation and make hair grow back faster. In addition, waxing also has the potential risk of infection and ingrown hairs. Therefore, waxing is only a temporary solution, not a permanent hair removal solution.
Facial waxing can help remove facial hair in a short time
Facial hair removal
Facial hair removal by thread is a manual hair removal method that has been used for a long time. This method uses a thread to pluck each hair, helping to remove hair accurately and effectively.
This method is especially suitable for those who have uneven facial hair or thin hair. However, threading also comes with some disadvantages such as a burning sensation, especially in the first few times.
In addition, people with sensitive skin or skin problems such as acne, dermatitis should consider carefully before applying this method, because it can cause irritation and leave scars.
Effective facial hair removal at home with natural ingredients
In addition to the above facial hair removal methods, using natural ingredients is also one of the methods chosen by many women because of its economical, safe for the skin and simple implementation. Natural ingredients such as oranges, lemons, etc. have long been proven to be highly effective in facial hair removal.
Hair removal with papaya and turmeric mask
The mixture of papaya and turmeric mask is one of the ways to remove facial hair at home that many people apply. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that destroys the structure of hair follicles and prevents them from growing back.
With the perfect combination of papain enzyme in papaya and curcumin in turmeric, this mixture not only helps to deeply clean pores but also weakens the structure of hair fibers, thereby helping hair fall out naturally.
How to do:
- Cut papaya into small pieces, remove seeds and puree with a little turmeric powder until the mixture is smooth.
- Cleanse your face with warm water, gently apply this mixture to your skin, massage gently and relax for about 15 minutes.
- Rinse your face with cold water, do this regularly every 2 weeks and you will see that facial hair gradually becomes thinner.
Turmeric and papaya mask will help remove facial hair
Facial hair removal with honey and sugar
Honey has long been proven to have effective antibacterial and antioxidant properties. When honey is applied to the skin with sugar, it will form a natural glue, helping to quickly remove facial hair. In addition, this mixture also provides a large amount of vitamins A and E, along with minerals that help keep the skin plump and bright.
How to do it:
- Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to a spoon of honey and water, then boil the honey and sugar in a double boiler until the mixture thickens.
- Wash your face with warm water, then apply the honey and sugar mixture to your face, put on a paper mask to apply. Leave it for 5-10 minutes, then peel off the mask and wash your face with clean water.
Hopefully, the above article has provided you with more effective ways to remove facial hair at home. There are many different hair removal methods and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to choose the right method to achieve the desired effect.