13 October, 2024 0 Comments

Unexpected effects of chili

Chili is a spice commonly used in dishes, not only that, the color of chili can also be used for decoration. However, with its hot and spicy taste, is eating chili good for your health and is it good to eat a lot of chili? 1. Eating spicy chili...

13 October, 2024 0 Comments

Medicinal food from chili

Chili is a familiar spice, used in many dishes. Not only that, chili also has the effect of helping to prevent many diseases. Chili fruit, leaves and roots are all used as medicine. Chili fruit and seeds contain many vitamins C, PP, carotene, protein, carbohydrates, Ca, P, Fe, capsaicin,...

13 October, 2024 0 Comments

13 medicinal uses of chili peppers

There are many types of chili peppers: sweet peppers, spicy peppers… Sweet peppers are used as vegetables, spicy peppers are used as spices and medicine. All branches, leaves, fruits and roots of the chili plant are used as medicine. The fruit is used fresh or dried. The leaves are...

12 October, 2024 0 Comments

Apples are good for physiology

Apple is a favorite fruit of many people because of its delicious taste, rich nutrition, containing ingredients such as: glucid, protid, Ca, P, Fe, Zn which play an important role in the growth and development of adolescents. In addition, it is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins and fiber, carbohydrates (pectin…),...

