7 December, 2024 0 Comments

Simple recipe for making walnut milk at home

Walnut milk has a fragrant, sweet taste, very easy to enjoy. In addition, you can combine it with many other nutritious nuts or some dried fruits to enhance the flavor of this drink. Effects of walnut milk Walnut milk contains many essential nutrients such as: Vitamin B, vitamin C,...

7 December, 2024 0 Comments

Goiter and what you need to know

Currently, the incidence of thyroid diseases is increasing, especially goiter. This is a type of thyroid metabolic disorder, which is almost harmless and can be completely cured if detected early. Let’s learn about goiter and what you need to know through the following article! What is goiter? The thyroid...

7 December, 2024 0 Comments

Benign Thyroid Tumors: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Benign thyroid tumors are tumors that develop within the thyroid parenchyma. The disease is usually not life-threatening but can cause thyroid dysfunction, thereby affecting physical and mental health. Currently, there are many effective treatment methods depending on the symptoms, nature and size of the tumor. Factors for the development...

7 December, 2024 0 Comments

TIRADS 4 Thyroid Tumor: Treatment and Prevention

TIRADS 4 thyroid nodules are a serious thyroid condition that requires special attention in diagnosis and treatment. This article will provide detailed information on how to treat and prevent TIRADS 4 thyroid nodules so that you can understand and apply appropriate measures. TIRADS 4 thyroid nodules: Diagnosis and assessment...

7 December, 2024 0 Comments

What is hyperthyroidism? Is hyperthyroidism dangerous?

Women are 2-10 times more likely to develop hyperthyroidism than men. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are often varied and can cause serious complications if not treated properly. To better understand hyperthyroidism and answer the question of whether hyperthyroidism is dangerous, follow the article below! What is hyperthyroidism? The thyroid...
