Unexpected effects of chili

Chili is a spice commonly used in dishes, not only that, the color of chili can also be used for decoration. However, with its hot and spicy taste, is eating chili good for your health and is it good to eat a lot of chili? 1. Eating spicy chili...

Chili – how to eat it to have good effects on health?

Chili is a spice, stimulates the taste buds, provides vitamins, a small amount of protein and fiber. Besides the benefits, chili also has many harmful effects on health if eaten in excess. 1. Nutritional composition of chili peppers Chili peppers contain many vitamins that are good for health. Chili...

Apples are good for physiology

Apple is a favorite fruit of many people because of its delicious taste, rich nutrition, containing ingredients such as: glucid, protid, Ca, P, Fe, Zn which play an important role in the growth and development of adolescents. In addition, it is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins and fiber, carbohydrates (pectin…),...

Eating apples is very good but note 7 side effects

Apples are the most popular fruit that many people love. Apples are rich in nutrients and eating an apple a day is even considered to ‘keep the doctor away’. However, pay attention to the disadvantages of apples to know how to eat apples for good health. 1. Benefits of...

7 outstanding health benefits from apples

The saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ comes from the fact that apples have many benefits. Let’s find out 7 impressive health benefits of apples that many people may not know about. Apples not only taste great when added to dishes, they also offer a variety...

Nutritional composition of apples

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are high in fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants. Making a habit of eating an apple a day can reduce your daily calorie intake and promote long-term weight loss. 1. Nutritional Facts of Apples Here are the...

Uses of guava leaf tea

Guava is a familiar tropical fruit and has become a favorite dessert for many families. However, you probably do not know that guava leaves are also a valuable herb, especially for people who are overweight, have diabetes or cardiovascular disease… In Oriental medicine, guava leaves have a bitter, waxy...

