Simple recipe for making walnut milk at home

Walnut milk has a fragrant, sweet taste, very easy to enjoy. In addition, you can combine it with many other nutritious nuts or some dried fruits to enhance the flavor of this drink. Effects of walnut milk Walnut milk contains many essential nutrients such as: Vitamin B, vitamin C,...

7 calcium-rich nuts help children develop bones

Calcium is an essential nutrient that helps children develop strong bones, supports height growth and strengthens oral health. In addition to milk and dairy products, many types of nuts are also a rich source of calcium, which are both delicious and easy to add to the daily diet. In...

3 types of meat suitable for hyperlipidemia that you may not know?

According to recent studies, hyperlipidemia is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. To effectively control the disease, in addition to using medication, adjusting the diet is extremely important. Many people often think that people with hyperlipidemia must completely abstain from meat, but this is not entirely true....

7 fruits rich in potassium help eliminate uric acid

Potassium is an important mineral, necessary to maintain stable blood pressure, support healthy muscle and nerve function, as well as transport nutrients into cells. In addition, potassium also helps promote the excretion of uric acid from the body. However, because the body cannot synthesize potassium on its own, we...

Natural Sources of Vitamin B12: What You Should Know!

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body, from supporting the nervous system to improving brain function and producing blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause many health problems such as fatigue, memory loss and the risk of cardiovascular...
