Supplementing vitamin K2 through food is the safest and most natural way recommended by experts. The following article will provide information on foods containing the most vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 is found in many fermented foods and foods of animal origin. Depending on each person’s preferences and eating habits, people can choose foods that supplement vitamin K2 for themselves in their daily meals.

Here are some foods containing vitamin K2:

1 Natto

Natto is a traditional Japanese dish consisting of fermented soybeans and is characterized by a chewy, sticky and elastic texture. Natto is rich in protein and other nutrients such as iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, etc.

100g of Natto contains 108mcg of vitamin K2, double the recommended daily amount

Natto not only strengthens the health of bones and joints, the cardiovascular system but also helps the digestive system function more easily thanks to the beneficial bacteria produced during the fermentation process of soybeans.

2 Beef liver

Beef liver is a readily available and inexpensive meat, known to be healthy and nutritious, helping us to supplement a necessary amount of vitamins from meat.

In 100g of beef liver there are 11mcg of vitamin K2

In addition, beef liver also contains many other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, folate, riboflavin, copper, vitamin B12…

3 Cheese

Cheese provides the body with the necessary amount of vitamin K2 along with other nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium and protein. The amount of vitamin K2 varies depending on the type of cheese. The following types of cheese contain the following amount of vitamin K2:

– 50g of Munster cheese contains 50 mcg of vitamin K2

– 50g of Camembert contains 34 mcg of vitamin K2

– There are about 32 mcg of vitamin K2 in 50g of Edam cheese and Gouda cheese

– There are 12 mcg of vitamin K2 in 50g of Cheddar

However, cheese contains a lot of sodium and saturated fat, so people should moderate their diet to suit their body.

4 Fermented pickles

Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage with a distinctive sour taste. Like natto, the fermentation process has many health benefits, such as promoting gut health and boosting immunity.

Half a cup of sauerkraut contains 2.75mcg of vitamin K2, providing an excellent amount of vitamin K2 for the body.

5 Chicken

If you can’t eat organ meats like liver, chicken is an animal food that provides vitamin K2 for you. Chicken has 5 times more vitamin K2 than pork or beef, with 100g of chicken containing 10mcg of vitamin K2

Chicken is also one of the most popular sources of lean protein around the world because it provides a high amount of protein with low calories and fat per serving. Choose chicken breast or skinless meat to limit unhealthy fat and calories.

6 Egg yolks

Eggs are a nutritious, low-cost food that is easy to find and prepare. People can prepare eggs in many different ways to create rich dishes for their meals.

A 2019 review of the nutritional value, activity and health benefits of eggs found that egg yolks contain most of the nutrients. One egg yolk can contain from 67 to 192 micrograms of vitamin K2.

The effects of vitamin K2 on bones, joints and the cardiovascular system are well known, but few people know which foods contain vitamin K2. Hopefully, the above information will help people make easier choices in adding foods to their daily meals to supplement vitamin K2 for the body.


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