Vitamin B12 is one of the most important nutrients for the body’s functioning, however, we cannot produce it ourselves so we need to supplement it from our diet or nutritional foods. An unbalanced diet or special subjects such as pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and vegetarians are susceptible to this nutrient deficiency. So what foods supplement Vitamin B12?

1. What is the role of Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that participates in many vital activities, especially supporting DNA production and ensuring healthy nerves. Therefore, Vitamin B12 is essential for brain development and function

Many natural foods contain high levels of Vitamin B12.

The human body absorbs Vitamin B12 through the stomach with the support of a specific protein that can bind and dissolve in the blood. Unlike many nutrients, Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, so if you consume little Vitamin B12 from your diet in a short period of time, the body will use this nutrient stored in the liver.

If the body does not produce enough specific protein to absorb Vitamin B12 or lacks this nutrient in the diet for a long time, you will have a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Although this condition is not common, it is necessary to prevent and supplement it adequately to ensure health.

The recommended daily requirement for Vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg, special subjects including pregnant women and breastfeeding women have higher needs because they need to be used for the fetus and child. People with Vitamin B12 deficiency will be overcome when supplemented with food sources or Vitamin tablets.

2. Effective Vitamin B12 Supplements

Eating the following foods will supplement the body with the necessary amount of Vitamin B12 as well as store it in the liver for later use.

Animal liver contains high levels of Vitamin B12

2.1. Animal organs

Animal liver is at the top of the list of foods rich in Vitamin B12. Like humans, animals also take in Vitamin B12 from the food they eat and store the excess in the liver, which is not lost during food processing or preservation.

Among them, lamb liver is the richest in Vitamin B12 with a content of 3.5871% of this daily nutritional value in 100g of food. In addition, calf liver and beef liver also contain a lot of Vitamin B12, meeting the body’s nutritional needs well.

In addition to being a source of vitamin B12 supplements, liver and animal organs in general also contain many other nutrients such as: Copper, Selenium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, … However, people who are overweight, obese, or have high blood fat should consider and consult a doctor when consuming animal organs because this food contains a lot of fat.

2.2. Beef

Beef is not only rich in Protein and nutrients but also contains a lot of Vitamin B12. On average, 190g of beef will contain about 467% of the daily value of Vitamin B12. Eating beef also provides many other Vitamins and minerals for the body such as: Vitamin B2, B3, B6, Selenium, Zinc, … Research data has shown that the Vitamin B12 content in lean beef is higher than in regular beef.

2.3. Clams

Clams in particular and shellfish in general contain a lot of lean protein and are foods rich in vitamin B12. On average, 20 clams will provide up to 7,000% of the daily value of vitamin B12, equivalent to 1 serving in 1 of our meals.

In addition to vitamin B12, eating clams also provides the body with a large amount of iron minerals and antioxidants that are good for health.

2.4. Sardines

Sardines are a popular saltwater fish, and in our country, we usually only eat canned fish. This fish contains many good nutrients, including Vitamin B12. A regular serving of sardines (150g) provides about 554% of the daily value of Vitamin B12.

The body is also provided with a large amount of Omega-3 when eating sardines, bringing many health benefits, especially for the heart and brain.

2.5. Salmon

Salmon is still known as a very nutritious food, especially Omega 3 fatty acids. This is also a great source of B12 for humans. On average, 1 serving of salmon (178g fillet) meets 208% of the daily Vitamin B12 content.

2.6. Milk and dairy products

Drinking milk as well as dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, etc. are excellent sources of protein, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12. On average, 1 glass of whole milk meets 46% of the need for vitamin B12, and the body absorbs vitamin B12 in milk better than in other food sources such as eggs, meat, fish, etc.

For vegetarians, the daily diet is often lacking in many nutrients, including vitamin B12. One of the solutions to choose is to use fortified milk – a type of milk supplemented with vitamins and other nutrients. At this time, a glass of fortified milk (soy milk, rice milk, etc.) will meet 86% of the body’s needs.

2.7. Eggs

Eggs contain a lot of protein and many types of vitamin B, the most of which are vitamin B2 and vitamin B12. This nutrient is more concentrated in egg yolks, which are also easier for the body to absorb. When you consume 100g of eggs, you absorb about 46% of your daily Vitamin B12 needs.

2.8. Cereals

Another Vitamin B12 supplement suitable for vegetarians, especially fortified cereals. In fact, when you eat 240ml of fortified cereals, your body will be provided with about 4.8 mcg of nutrients daily. It is very necessary when vegetarians often have health problems due to Vitamin B12 deficiency and many other nutrients.

Vegetarian-Friendly Cereals for Vitamin B12

2.9. Enhanced nutritional yeast

The nutritional yeast mentioned contains high levels of Vitamin B12 and other nutrients, which is synthetic yeast from yeast, not bread or beer yeast. Vegetarians should choose enhanced nutritional yeast or fortified cereals to ensure better meeting their Vitamin and mineral needs.

On average, 15g of nutritional yeast meets 775% of the daily Vitamin B12 needs, the excess will be accumulated in the liver and gradually used by the body.

Add the foods containing high levels of Vitamin B12 above to your family’s daily diet.


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