Vitamin E is an antioxidant that plays a very important role in human health, especially in the beauty of women.

1. What are the effects of taking vitamin E?

Taking vitamin E will help prevent vitamin E deficiency or treat diseases that require vitamin E supplementation. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, very important for the body.

Vitamin E helps the skin to be smooth, youthful, and reduces wrinkles. Dry, wrinkled, lifeless skin, dry and brittle hair are often caused by vitamin E deficiency. Therefore, in most skin and hair care products, manufacturers often include vitamin E in the ingredients.

Normally, skin exposed directly to sunlight will be damaged by ultraviolet rays, causing the skin to become dark, lose elasticity, and sag, making the face look older. After the age of 30, the rate of skin aging is higher, excess free radicals will quickly damage the skin. Supplementing vitamin E is an effective method to help improve the above condition, reduce the aging process, and bring youthful beauty, especially for women.

Pregnant women taking vitamin E will help the development of the fetus. Vitamin E helps the uterus of baby girls develop and limits testicular atrophy in baby boys. In addition, vitamin E also helps reduce the rate of premature birth or miscarriage, ensuring safety for both pregnant mothers and fetuses. Many women will have stretch marks and visibly worse skin during pregnancy. Supplementing vitamin E during pregnancy will help the pregnant mother’s skin become more beautiful, prevent and limit stretch marks, helping the pregnant mother to be more confident in communication and daily life.

Many studies have also shown that vitamin E is very beneficial for women of menopausal age. Women in this stage will experience symptoms of hot flashes, menstrual disorders… Vitamin E will help reduce symptoms, help women feel more comfortable and stabilize their psychology.

For teenage girls, using vitamin E will help reduce symptoms of menstrual cramps during each menstrual cycle.

                         Vitamin E helps skin become younger and smoother

2. Does taking vitamin E have side effects?

Vitamin E is quite safe for the human body. Excess vitamin E will be quickly eliminated from the body, almost does not affect health, has no side effects when used in the right dose.

On average, an adult needs about 100 – 400 IU of vitamin E/day. If using high doses of vitamin E, it can cause side effects. Common side effects include:

Nausea or vomiting
Mild rash
Some more severe side effects that can occur when using vitamin E include:

Abdominal pain
Physical weakness
Digestive disorders
Headache, dizziness, vision problems
Weakness, feeling faint
Easy bruising, bleeding
These symptoms may disappear when you stop using vitamin E. If you stop using it and it does not improve or you experience more serious symptoms, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible. If you experience any side effects when using vitamin E, you should consult your doctor about whether to continue taking it or not.

An overdose of vitamin E not only does not help prevent the aging process of skin and hair, but also speeds up this process by destroying antioxidants.

People who are using vitamin E for a long time also need to pay attention to the drug’s interactions with some other drugs. Vitamin E can antagonize vitamin K and increase blood clotting time. Taking vitamin E with aspirin can hinder platelet aggregation. Taking vitamin E at a dose of more than 400IU/day for a long time, combined with estrogen can cause thrombosis.

Therefore, when using vitamin E, you need to pay attention to the dosage and instructions of the manufacturer, and should not abuse vitamin E.

                           Overdose of vitamin E can cause bruising and bleeding.

3. Foods rich in vitamin E

In addition to supplementing vitamin E in synthetic form, you can supplement vitamin E through daily foods. This is the safest and most effective way to supplement vitamin E. Vitamin E is abundant in vegetable oils such as wheat germ, sunflower oil, soybeans, rice sprouts, bean sprouts, green vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruits… Specifically:

Green vegetables: Green vegetables contain a lot of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate which is very good for the body
Avocado: On average, an avocado contains about 4mg of vitamin E
Almonds: In 100g of almonds, there are about 26mg of vitamin E. Therefore, you can use fresh almonds, almond milk… every day to supplement vitamin E for the body
Radish: Radish contains about 17% of the vitamin E needed by the body in a day
Chestnuts: Chestnuts are a rich source of vitamin E for the body
Spinach: In addition to vitamin E, spinach also contains many other antioxidants, which are beneficial for the beauty process of women…
The daily vitamin E requirement of an adult is about 15mg. Pay attention to combining foods rich in vitamin E in your daily diet to help provide enough vitamin E without having to use additional synthetic vitamin E. Except for special subjects such as: people with diseases that need vitamin E supplements, people with dry skin, people with cardiovascular disease, cancer, pregnant women…

4. The most effective way to supplement vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. The absorption of vitamin E occurs in the middle part of the small intestine, closely related to the process of fat digestion and requires bile salts and pancreatic lipase to be absorbed at the same time as fats, through the lymphatic system to the circulatory system. Therefore, to absorb vitamin E most effectively, there must be enough fat and oil. For example, bean sprouts contain a lot of vitamin E, but if you eat raw bean sprouts, the amount of vitamin E that the body can absorb is very little. If you eat bean sprouts mixed with cooking oil or stir-fried bean sprouts, the body will absorb more.

5. Notes when supplementing vitamin E

Vitamin E is very good for the body and is quite safe to use, but you should not abuse vitamin E for beauty purposes because it can cause many negative effects on health. If you supplement high doses of vitamin E for a long time, excess vitamin E will destroy antioxidants and damage cells. Some studies have shown that using high doses of vitamin E can also increase the risk of lung cancer. Injecting high doses of vitamin E into the veins can lead to death.

Do not supplement vitamin E for a long time. Women over 30 years old who supplement vitamin E for beauty purposes should only take it for 1-2 months, then stop for a while and then use it again.

Not everyone should supplement synthetic vitamin E because the amount of vitamin E needed by the body every day can be easily supplemented through food and drink. Only people with illnesses, dry, brittle skin, dry hair, or those prescribed by a doctor should take vitamin E, especially patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, kidney failure, etc. Healthy people should supplement vitamin E through food.

When taking vitamin E, you need to carefully read the instructions for use, the manufacturer’s recommendations, the doctor’s instructions, and follow the correct dosage and time, especially with vitamin E in liquid form.

Topical vitamin E should only be used for people with dry, aging skin. Applying vitamin E to oily skin can cause acne.



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