Coconut water is a delicious drink that many people love and use as a cooling drink. So, what are the effects of drinking coconut water every day? What should you pay attention to when drinking coconut water? Let’s find out the effects of coconut water on health in the article below.

In addition to coconut pulp as an ingredient in dishes and making coconut oil, coconut water is also a drink that many people love. Coconut water has the scientific name cocos nucifera L. Coconut water is usually clear or slightly cloudy, located in the hollow part of the coconut. This type of water has a characteristic fragrant and fatty taste, a sweet and cool taste.

In addition to its thirst-quenching effect, coconut water also brings many health benefits. However, in order to take full advantage of the nutritional value of coconut water, while avoiding possible harm, users need to clearly understand the effects as well as the notes when drinking this type of water. The article below will help you answer the questions about the effects of drinking coconut water every day and the notes when using it.

Nutritional value of coconut water

Each 240ml of fresh coconut water contains:

  • Calories: 46;
  • Carbohydrates: 9g;
  • Protein: 2g;
  • Fiber: 3g;
  • Vitamin C: 10% of daily nutritional needs;
  • Calcium: 6% of daily nutritional needs;
  • Magnesium: 15% of daily nutritional needs;
  • Potassium: 17% of daily nutritional needs;
  • Sodium: 11% of daily nutritional needs;
  • Manganese: 17% of daily nutritional needs.

Coconut water has high nutritional value

In particular, minerals have the effect of replenishing electrolytes, vitamins help strengthen the body’s immune system. In particular, coconut water does not contain fat, so it can be used in the summer when sweating a lot or in cases where electrolytes need to be replenished when the body is dehydrated.

What are the effects of drinking coconut water every day?

Providing nutrients for the body

Coconut water contains very few calories and fat but provides many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. In addition, coconut water is also rich in lauric acid, chloride, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

Moreover, when comparing coconut water with artificial soft drinks, coconut water is much friendlier and healthier. Therefore, drinking coconut water is also a way to naturally replenish water and nutrients for the body without fear of gaining weight.

Beautify the skin

What are the effects of drinking coconut water every day? In addition to providing nutrients to the body, coconut water is also a drink that helps beautify the skin thanks to two active ingredients, cytokinin and kinetin. These are active ingredients that help prevent oxidative damage and slow down the aging process. In addition, lauric acid in coconut water has antibacterial properties that can help clear acne and effectively moisturize.

Coconut water is a naturally sweet, refreshing and healthy beverage.

Good for the digestive system

Lauric acid in coconut water, when entering the body, will convert into monolaurin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-worm, anti-parasitic and gastrointestinal infection effects. In addition, coconut water also acts as a natural medicine for intestinal health, especially when you have problems such as constipation, diarrhea, etc.

Improve cardiovascular health

What effect does drinking coconut water every day have on the cardiovascular system? According to experts, people with high blood pressure often have low potassium levels. Meanwhile, coconut water contains a lot of potassium and lauric acid, which can effectively regulate blood pressure. Coconut water can also increase HDL cholesterol, helping to prevent blood clots, preventing the risk of blood vessel blockage and stroke.

Support diabetes control

Many studies have shown that coconut water has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, thereby effectively improving symptoms in diabetic patients. In addition, coconut water also contains a lot of magnesium, which helps increase insulin sensitivity, so many experts believe that coconut water can be added to the diet of people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Helps prevent kidney stones

What effect does drinking coconut water have on the urinary system? Not only is it good for digestion and cardiovascular health, coconut water also helps prevent many dangerous diseases in the urinary system such as kidney stones. Drinking coconut water regularly will help prevent the formation of kidney stones or stones in the urinary system effectively thanks to the process of decomposing high concentrations of oxalate in the urine.

Drinking coconut water regularly will help prevent kidney stones.

What should you pay attention to when drinking coconut water every day?

Drinking coconut water has been proven to be beneficial for health. However, when using coconut water, we need to understand the following notes:

  • You should only drink 1 cup of coconut water per day. Absolutely do not use coconut water to replace filtered water.
  • You should drink coconut water in the morning so that the body can absorb maximum nutrients and electrolytes.
  • You should not drink coconut water at night because it will make your limbs weak and make it difficult to sleep well.
  • You should stop using it if you have signs of bloating, diarrhea, etc. after drinking coconut water. The reason is that coconut water is cold and can cause a cold stomach.
  • People with low blood pressure should not drink a lot of coconut water because it will cause excessive blood pressure drop.
  • You should choose pure coconut water, limit drinking processed bottled coconut water.

The above is information to answer the question of what are the benefits of drinking coconut water every day. Hopefully, this article will help you better understand the effects of coconut water on your health. Drink coconut water properly to supplement nutrients and improve your health every day.

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