Pineapple juice is a popular beverage because of its sweet and slightly sour taste, suitable for hot, humid days. But do you know what other effects pineapple juice has on the body besides quenching thirst? Let’s find out in this article.

1. Nutritional content in pineapple juice

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is not only used by Vietnamese people in dishes but pineapple juice is also a favorite beverage with a natural sweet and sour taste. A 240 ml glass of pineapple juice contains 132 calories with fat content, less than 1g of fiber and 25g of sugar.

Pineapple juice contains many vitamins and minerals.

In addition, the content of vitamin B and vitamin C in pineapple juice accounts for 15% of the nutritional value needed by the body every day. Other minerals such as Manganese, Copper, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, bromelain,… in pineapple juice also help strengthen immunity, increase bone and joint development in children, help speed up the wound healing process,…

2. What are the benefits of pineapple juice?

Our body always needs to ensure enough vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy and pineapple juice is a good natural source for the body. So what are the benefits of pineapple juice?

2.1. Anti-inflammatory and immune system enhancing properties

Pineapple juice has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and inflammation in symptoms of bone and joint pain, arthritis, etc. thanks to bromelain and vitamins and minerals. Bromelain has been studied and is often used to fight inflammation and relieve pain after surgery.

Pineapple juice helps fight inflammation thanks to the enzyme bromelain

In addition, pineapple juice also contains a natural enzyme that activates the body’s immune system. Therefore, regular use of pineapple juice will help fight pathogens that attack the immune system.

2.2. Support digestion

Pineapple juice contains protease enzymes that can break down proteins from the food we eat into amino acids and peptides that are smaller and easier to absorb. Combined with bromelain enzymes, it enhances the ability to fight intestinal bacteria such as Ecoli bacteria, thereby limiting diarrhea.

Enzymes in pineapple juice break down protein for better nutrient absorption

However, pineapple juice contains an amount of acid that is not good for people with a history of stomach problems. If you use more pineapple juice than allowed, it will cause symptoms of gastric reflux such as heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain, etc.

2.3. Anti-osteoporosis

In addition to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties for people with arthritis, pineapple juice also helps prevent osteoporosis effectively. Because it is rich in Vitamin C and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc., it helps slow down bone degeneration as well as protect healthy bone cells. Combining about 100g of pineapple or about 200ml of pineapple juice in your daily diet helps improve bone health.

2.4. Supplementing nutrients for pregnant women

For pregnant women, regularly using pineapple juice from the 4th month of pregnancy will help supplement the amount of copper needed in the process of creating red blood cells throughout pregnancy. In addition, copper plays an important role in the formation and development of the baby’s nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Not only copper, but the group of vitamins B1, B6, B9 in pineapple juice is also a group of substances that help develop the brain and nervous system of the fetus.

Copper and vitamin B in pineapple juice are good for your baby’s nervous and cardiovascular systems.

2.5. Support the prevention of some cancers

According to some studies on bromelain, this substance can inhibit the growth of cancer cells such as breast cancer, bile duct cancer, stomach cancer, etc. When the immune system is affected by the enzyme bromelain, it will help the production of white blood cells more effectively, thereby fighting cancer cells.

2.6. Effective cough reduction

Pineapple juice helps reduce cough symptoms thanks to the anti-inflammatory bromelain, vitamins that help strengthen the immune system, and the hydration process of pineapple also helps reduce sore throats. For asthma patients, regular use of pineapple juice combined with medication will help increase the effectiveness of treatment. However, for asthma patients, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use to ensure safety and avoid affecting the treatment results.

2.7. Anti-aging

The amount of Vitamin C in pineapple juice helps increase the anti-aging ability by stimulating the synthesis of collagen under the skin, which has the effect of fighting against UV rays. Vitamin C and zinc in pineapple juice also help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots. However, we also need to use sunscreen when exposed to sunlight to avoid the effects of dirt and ultraviolet rays.

3. Some notes when using pineapple juice

If you already know what the juice below is good for, here are some notes for you when using this juice:

Limit use for people with diabetes or are in the process of losing weight because pineapple juice contains a lot of sugar and carbohydrates.

The acid in pineapple can cause swelling of the lips and tongue and the symptoms will gradually decrease in a short time. If these symptoms do not improve or get worse, you may be allergic to pineapple and need to go to the hospital immediately for timely first aid.

If you are being treated with medication, you should consult your doctor about using pineapple juice daily.

Currently, there is no research showing that pineapple juice can replace medicine to treat the disease, this juice only has the effect of supporting the improvement of health.

For patients with stomach problems, limit the use of pineapple juice or eating pineapple because the amount of acid can have a negative effect on your treatment process.

Only use ripe yellow pineapple and do not use green pineapple to avoid poisoning.

4. When is the best time to drink pineapple juice?

The best time to drink pineapple juice is about 2 hours after breakfast or lunch. Because pineapple contains acid, drinking it before or right after eating will be harmful to your stomach and digestive system. Limit drinking juice in the evening to avoid bloating and flatulence.

Drinking pineapple juice 2 hours after eating is best.

Surely the detailed information in the article has helped you answer the question of what pineapple juice does and what to keep in mind when using it. Use fruit every day to increase resistance and supplement enough vitamins and other nutrients for the body.


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