Houjicha is a roasted tea from Japan, Houjicha tea is a roasted tea with a strong flavor. For tea lovers in the land of cherry blossoms, Houjicha is a pride of traditional Japanese culture. So what is Houjicha and what are its benefits for human health? Let’s learn about Houjicha tea through the following article!

Houjicha is a popular roasted tea in Japan. Houjicha tea is loved by many people because of its strong and rich flavor. Not only does it have a delicious flavor, Houjicha tea also brings many benefits to human health. Let’s refer to some information about Houjicha tea and learn more about the specific health benefits of Houjicha through the following article!

What is Houjicha tea?

To learn more about Houjicha tea, let’s first find out what Houjicha tea is! To answer the question of what is Houjicha tea, Houjicha tea is a roasted tea from the land of cherry blossoms. In Japanese culinary culture, Houjicha tea is a very popular traditional tea. The first place to process this type of tea was Kyoto, in the 1920s.

To answer the question what is Houjicha tea, Houjicha tea is a roasted tea from Japan.

Similar to Genmaicha and matcha, roasted Houjicha tea is a type of green tea. Houjicha tea is special in that after the tea leaves have gone through the process of steaming in a ceramic pot, withering and drying, the tea leaves will continue to be roasted deeply at high temperatures, around 200 degrees Celsius. Roasting tea at high temperatures helps remove all the bitterness of the tea leaves and gives the tea a characteristic aroma, a special smoky flavor and an eye-catching reddish-brown color. Houjicha tea has a clear water color, a slightly bitter taste mixed with a sweet taste and a strong aroma of the earth. This type of tea is often used after dinner, before going to bed or at kaiseki parties. Houjicha also has a fairly low caffeine content, making it a suitable choice for people who have trouble sleeping and are sensitive to caffeine.

How to classify Houjicha tea

After having the answer to the question of what is Houjicha tea, let’s learn more about how to classify the types of Houjicha tea! Although Houjicha tea is also a type of green tea, the tea leaves are usually not green. Houjicha tea leaves are brown and when steeped, Houjicha tea produces a reddish brown color. The color of Houjicha tea will also change depending on the harvest time, the level of roasting and the type of tea used.

Houjicha tea is usually made from Sencha, Kukicha or Bancha. Currently on the market, there are 3 types of Houjicha roasted from 3 types of Sencha, Kukicha or Bancha tea, these teas will be divided into different grades. Similar to matcha, Houjicha tea can also be processed and used in powder form.

Similar to matcha, Houjicha tea can also be prepared and consumed in powder form.

Health Benefits of Houjicha Tea

Houjicha tea contains all the ingredients found in green tea such as theanine, catechin, tannin, caffeine, polyphenols, vitamins, etc. Because it is roasted at temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius, the caffeine content in Houjicha tea is lower than any other green tea. You can refer to some of the health benefits of Houjicha tea as follows:

Good for the brain

Nutrition experts say that the catechin content in Houjicha tea helps prevent the accumulation of amyloid plaques and proteins. Contributes to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease – a disease of memory and cognitive decline. Many scientific studies also show that the amino acid L-theanine in Houjicha is very beneficial for memory, drinking Houjicha tea regularly can help enhance memory in old age.

Drinking Houjicha tea regularly is very beneficial for memory.

Helps relieve stress and relax

Theanine in Houjicha tea helps maintain concentration, reduce stress and relax the user. You can drink Houjicha tea every morning to replace a cup of coffee every day.

Prevent aging and cancer

The greatest use of Houjicha tea is to help the body prevent free radicals, prevent the development of cancer cells and slow down the natural aging process. The reason is because Houjicha tea contains a large amount of antioxidants such as EGCG and flavonoids (catechin).

Skin care and beauty

Houjicha tea contains active ingredients that help protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. In addition, Houjicha tea also contains many vitamins A and E, which help support the process of skin care and recovery. Drinking Houjicha tea regularly helps the skin maintain its natural elasticity and reduce dark spots.

Weight loss support

According to scientific studies, drinking Houjicha tea every morning helps the body burn energy better. The reason is because Houjicha contains catechin, which has the ability to prevent fat absorption and fat breakdown.

Helps treat bad breath and flu

Houjicha is proven to have high antibacterial properties, helping to fight bacteria that cause tooth decay. The natural deodorants and disinfectants in tea also help improve bad breath effectively. Thanks to its strong antibacterial properties, Houjicha tea also helps to eliminate disease-causing bacteria and viruses, helping to prevent flu.

Houjicha tea also helps kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease, helping to prevent colds and flu.

Hopefully the above article has provided you with useful information about Houjicha tea and the health benefits of Houjicha tea. Houjicha tea is a green tea that is not only delicious and rich but also very good for your health. Consider adding Houjicha tea to your daily menu to experience its delicious taste and wonderful uses!

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