Guava is a fruit that is easy to find, easy to eat, reasonably priced and is loved by many people because of its sweet crunchiness. Guava brings many health benefits such as providing vitamin C, slowing down skin aging and protecting the body from the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, many readers wonder what vitamins guava contains.

Guava is a popular fruit, often used as a dessert after meals. Guava juice is also chosen by many people as an attractive refreshing drink. So do you know what vitamins guava has? Is it good to eat a lot of guava?

What vitamins does guava contain?

According to research, guava is the fruit with the highest vitamin C content, up to 228.3 mg of vitamin C in 100g of fresh guava. The amount of vitamin C in guava is 3.5 times higher than in oranges. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays a particularly important role in strengthening the body’s resistance.

However, if the answer to the question “What vitamins does guava contain” is only vitamin C, it is not enough. Indeed, in addition to vitamin C, guava also contains a variety of B vitamins including B9 (folate), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B3 (niacin) which help regenerate blood cells and metabolic processes in the body. In addition, guava also contains vitamin A, vitamin K and trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, etc.

Answering questions about what vitamins guava has

Health Benefits of Guava

So you know what vitamins guava has. Not only is it a rich source of nutrients and vitamins, guava also brings many miraculous health benefits. The ingredients in guava help increase resistance, anti-aging and prevent some diseases.

Strengthen resistance

Guava is a fruit that helps your body supplement natural vitamins and minerals, which are essential for health. When the body has enough vitamin C, it will stimulate the production of new cells, along with increasing the activity of the immune system to attack harmful agents. Therefore, you are often advised to supplement vitamin C (through eating oranges, grapefruit, guava, …) when your body has a cold, flu or inflammation.


Vitamin C is abundant in guava to help strengthen the body’s resistance.

Support iron synthesis

Vitamin C promotes the body’s absorption of iron, so these two ingredients are often combined together in iron supplements. This is explained by the fact that vitamin C helps convert iron into a trivalent form (while iron supplements are in a divalent form), into a chelate complex that passes through the stomach, when it reaches the small intestine, this complex will be broken down and the iron will be better absorbed.

Slows down the aging process

As mentioned when answering the question “what vitamins are in guava”, the vitamin C content in guava is very abundant, this ingredient helps beautify the skin and is loved by many women. Vitamin C is a factor that stimulates the body to produce more natural collagen, helping to create elasticity, reduce brown pigmentation and prevent skin aging.

Eating guava supplements the body with vitamin C, helping you have beautiful, bright skin, limiting melasma and freckles, especially for skin over 30 years old. In addition, guava also promotes the recovery of skin wounds caused by accidents or after surgery.

Improve cardiovascular health, diabetes

Adding guava to your daily meals as a dessert helps improve your cardiovascular health. Thanks to the mineral components in guava such as sodium, potassium, … helps release bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol for health. Thanks to this effect from eating guava, it helps prevent the risk of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction or stroke.

A study shows that diabetic patients who eat about 100g of guava per day help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent complications. This is explained by the fact that guava contains the protein tyrosine phosphatase enzyme, which has natural insulin resistance activity, helping to stabilize blood sugar.

Support weight loss

In addition to the question “What vitamins does guava have?”, the question of whether eating guava helps lose weight is also of interest to many women. With a fiber content of about 5.4 grams per 100 grams, eating guava helps you feel full, thereby limiting your appetite. With a low calorie content – only about 68 – 70 kcal and almost no fat, guava is an ideal fruit choice for weight loss.

You can add guava to your diet and weight loss. However, you also need to balance other foods to ensure nutritional balance and safe weight loss.

Corner to answer some questions about eating guava

So you know “what vitamins are in guava”. Below are some common daily questions about eating guava compiled by Long Chau pharmacy.

Is it okay to eat a lot of guava?

Because of some health benefits of eating guava, many people use more guava than the normal recommended amount. Eating too much guava like that can cause some bad reactions for the body such as:

Severe stomach pain, because eating too much guava increases the activity of this organ too much.
The sugar content in guava is mainly concentrated in the peel, so people with diabetes who eat too much guava can easily lead to acute hyperglycemia. Therefore, recommendations say that people with diabetes should peel off the guava peel and only eat the white flesh of the fruit.
Consuming more than 1000mg of vitamin C a day, equivalent to about 500g of fresh guava, can easily cause nausea, digestive disorders,…

Eating too much guava can cause very uncomfortable digestive dis


How many guavas can you eat a day to be healthy?

As you know, although guava is a rich source of vitamin C for the body, you should only use a maximum of 200g a day for healthy people and less than 100g for diabetics.

Besides eating guava every day, we also need to diversify our nutritional sources to ensure enough nutrients for the body. Therefore, eating too much guava leading to excess vitamin C is not good for health.

Can I use guava juice instead of fresh guava?

Guava is a crunchy, rough fruit and is rich in fiber, so drinking guava juice will make it easier for the body to absorb. However, it is important to note that you should not consume too much guava, and should not consume more than 5 guavas per day.

Also note that you should drink guava juice immediately after processing to absorb all the vitamins and minerals in it. Limit adding sugar to guava juice because the amount of sugar already in guava is enough to meet the daily recommended level.

So the article has provided information to answer the question “What vitamins does guava have?”. In addition to being the fruit richest in vitamin C, guava also contains a variety of B vitamins, vitamin K and vitamin A. Eating guava helps increase the body’s resistance, slow down the aging process of the skin and support weight loss.


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